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smarTrike Foldable Tricycle smarTfold 700 設計式樣: beige · 2019

The new foldable 8 in 1 smarTfold 700 is the revolution among the tricycles - without being bothered by time-consuming assembly and tools, you can easily switch from trolley to buggy or tricycle mode.

With just a few clicks, the tricycle smarTfold folds up and reduces its size by a whopping 85%. That way, traveling with the smarTfold 700 is going to be the easiest thing. This lightweight package is even suitable for being used as carry-on luggage.

The tricycle is suitable for little explorers at the age of 6 months and up, and grows with your child. The soft padded seat with high backrest provides a particularly comfortable spot for your little one. The 180° rotating seat allows eye contact with mom or dad. The backrest can be reclined for a little nap in between times. A large sun canopy protects against harmful sun light. Furthermore, the tricycle features the unique TouchSteering system which enables you as a parent to steer it like a stroller.

Once your little one has reached 9 months of age you can turn the seat so that your child looks in a forward direction and can actively explore his/ her surroundings. The adjustable backrest ensures a comfortable ride and the legs can be put up on the baby footrest.

From the age of 12 months and up, the baby footrest is to be removed and the child footrest is to be pulled down instead. Now, your little race driver sits safe and upright, and develops important motor skills. A little later you can remove the canopy and thus enlarge your child's perspective. Mom and Dad can still keep full control over the tricycle.

You can easily transform the Smartrike smartfold 700 into a practice tricycle when your child has reached 24 months of age. This is also when your child takes control over the handlebar and determines the direction of travel. One parent, however, continues to take full control of the front wheel while pushing forward.

At the age of 30 months, your little passenger takes full control over his/ her means of transport and can use the smarTfold 700 like a classic tricycle, control it independently and develop self-confidence.

The push handle can be adjusted in multiple height levels so that you can easily adapt it to the size of the parent. There is also a結婚送禮推薦過年送禮推薦 storage bag with space for smaller items such as soothers, handkerchiefs, keys, etc. A large pocket on the back of the tricycle provides storage space for stuffed animals or larger items.


  • Fully foldable 8 in 1 tricycle

  • Age recommendation: 6 months to 36 months

  • Adjustable UV sun canopy

  • Large, swivel front wheel with built-in shock absorbers

  • One-way clutch

  • 網友開箱介紹僅此一檔
  • 5-point safety belt with shoulder pads

  • EVA wheels for quiet driving

  • 180° rotating seat with high, adjustable backrest

  • Foldable footrest, non-slip pedals

  • Removable, padded parent bag

  • Weight: 9.13 kg

  • Dimensions: L 63.5 x W 33 X H 37.5 cm




SmarTrike Foldable Tricycle smarTfold 700





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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 數以千計民眾仍受困,他們位在遭洪水切斷對外交通的城鎮,經常沒有食物也沒有水。而未來幾天的天氣預報仍預測會有豪大雨,可能加重洪災。省府發言人蘇柏巴許(Subhash T.V.)今天說,近72萬5000人疏散到避難中心。避難中心滿是全身溼透的生還者,他們描述歷經數日沒食物、沒水的絕望景象。受重創的德里久爾區(Thrissur)充當避難所的教堂裡,20歲的庫瑪(Inderjeet Kumar) 說:「那是我一生中最恐怖的幾個小時。沒有電、沒有食物也沒有水,即使我們周圍滿滿是水。」發言人說,自5月29日雨季開始以來,克勒拉省死亡人數已增至370人。總理莫迪(Narendra Modi)昨天搭直升機巡視遭水淹沒的農田和村莊,他承諾派遣更多直升機、船隻和其他裝備,擴大搜救行動。印度南部克勒拉省發生一世紀以來最大洪災,死亡人數升達357。 路透社 分享 facebook

SmarTrike Foldable Tricycle smarTfold 700

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