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2006-01-06 01:57:58| 人氣27| 回應0 | 下一篇

wonder trip to Koh Phanang

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luv u more and more, day by day i pray for my inner angel to make my wish come true ~~

帕岸島 this is my second trip to koh phanang, it was crazy, wild, exciting, fun, awesome and memorable to my 25 :):)

i saw taipei 101 right after 1/1 on CNN chanel, i was soo proud of Taipei, and i am soo proud of myself to be a taiwanese, tho tw has lota problems and shit around us living in this small country, tho ppl who dun reali noe where’s taiwan, i still luv this motherland as where i educated and cultured :D

this trip we have 5 girls and 2 boys, all made local ppl carzy and wanted to have pix with us cus our wildness .. hahah

of cos we r foreigners for them yet we met good ppl who showed us the hospitality and warmth during this trip, thank u all my friends, thank u all making this trip more funny and unforgettable, thank u for everything we have and give, thank u for the world peace...
life is short, so party we must !!!

mr. jun, i am glad ur back, i miss u ..

to my best friend yasmin, pls cherish everything u have now and just ENJOY the fucking hell lucky that god want u to have.. ur the chosen one my girl, pls share some lucky and bless to me.. i wanna find a guy who is as nice as jeff .. damn.. :P:P

台長: newfreemove
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