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2004-09-06 14:48:27| 人氣202| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

summer ends

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after labor day....
summer is officialy over!!!

At the end of this summer
I was so busy at traveling
Sister came in town, went on vacation,
It was really nice to travel with my sister!!
Disney world in Florida,
New York City,
Washington DC,
We did all the sightseeing within two weeks
It was really fun~

School has started!
Actually, I like the courses I have in this semester,
This is like the first time that I think I enjoy the classes
Professors are from Ernst & Young
They are funny, and very good at lecturing
It wasn't hard to follow them in the classes,
However, it was just too tired to have the nonstop lecture for two and half hours
Tax, are not for boring people,
Tax people are not boring people!

This long weekend,
We went to Hampton
Again, I ran away from the city
It is the place for rich people or celebrities to have vacation
There's a nice beach, some good restaurants, and clubs
we stayed at friend's friend's summer house,
enjoyed the last weekend in summer
actually, it is getting cold in NY
the miserable cold weather is coming soon

台長: Irene


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