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2011-12-09 17:02:45| 人氣41| 回應0 | 上一篇

what a busy interview month, so frutuated!

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沒想到一停就停差不多四個月, how lazy i am!

have been to taiwan for 5 days with hobby to celebtrate our 3rd anniversity during 23-27 sept 2011. getting quite along with tour mates. a unforgetable trip.

after returned from taiwan, i was busy for appliying kindergarden for my son. at least 10 kgs i have applied so far. 1st interview was on oct 15, 2011, tai wo hau 士德荊免堂. i like this kg since it is quite large and bright. my son's language ability is still very weak, so the performance was poor. (color recognition, pictures pointing were all failed).

many interviews were scheduled on Nov 5, we finally attended 3 of them: 10: 45 聖母; 12:15 領報 & 3:30 聖文嘉中英文. the performance in 聖母 was better than other two. i felt  other two interviewers did not have patient to ask questions when they saw my son is "small" b (was born on late of dec). i thought they already put a "fail" in the application at that moment. other than that, my sons have a very good time in these three kgs.

i was quite panic when i kept on receiving reject/waiting letters and felt unhappy even the result was foreseeable.

finally, 安得兒 & 福幼第二 have offer for my son. i rejected 安得兒 pm and paid 福幼第二reservation fees.

hope there will be better offer soon........

台長: 失根的蘭花
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