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2008-05-27 18:16:38| 人氣92| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Today was so fun

We went to starbuck during lunch,got signature from Morgan’s dad
We took the 206 bus to four season and walked to starbucks
CL,Tammy and Wei were so hardworking while Morgan and i went out and took a ride

Because of the bags,we lost balance but lucky we found a way.
We came back to starbucks to put our bags then went out for a ride to catch buses. We caught the four seaon’s bus and bailing’s, saw Nana,Chien Ling,SW and SY.

Then we came back and competing who can drink faster,i was so full from all the water i drank. CL and Tammy were still studying,donno wats wei doing.

Morgan is so funny, she went around saying hello and dancing; the chinese people were like staring at her.

Then we took a ride in the rain,it hurts so much because we were riding in full speed and the rain is heavy which hit our faces.

I almost ran into 2 people(a woman with her child) because of the rain,laughing and it was so dark. I hit a guy on a bike because i cant see with all the laughing and the rain going into my eye,but his bag hit morgan’s leg. We keep shouting:”we are sexy,ouch ouch ouch (rain hitting our faces)”

Then after that,the rain got heavier. Morgan and i went out and play in the rain,running and walking; the road were like flooded,we step into it and Morgan was like scearming. lol

Then we went back in Wei’s car,carina step into the deep flooded water and she screamed really loud and jumping away. Is a good thing that my mom wasnt angry about it. lol

台長: MyLife
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