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2008-02-08 14:52:26| 人氣120| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

NPR_Scientists Invent a Tearless Onion

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The Ramble section in NPR collects some interesting news clips. It’s fun to listen to and learn things from it. During the searching, I accidentally found two great websites: the BrianTpark project and Science buzz. You can check more information from related links.
Enjoy your surfing!

the Ramble_ Scientists Invent a Tearless Onion

the BrianTpark project
Linkfest: New Car Smell Could Cause Cancer

New car smell http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_car_smell
Auto Diagnosis - What’s That Smell?

Squirrel vs. rattlesnake: squirrel wins
Science buzz -- http://dev.smm.org/buzz/taxonomy/term/11 ****
Squirrel vs. rattlesnake: squirrel wins http://dev.smm.org/buzz/blog/squirrel_vs_rattlesnake_squirrel_wins

台長: musiccat
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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