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NPR_Single 40-Year-Old Takes New Look at Marriage

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Single 40-Year-Old Takes New Look at Marriage

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All Things Considered, February 6, 2008 · Commentator Lori Gottlieb recently turned 40 and is still single. She’s come to the conclusion that the romantic view of marriage she has been clinging to might be all wrong, and that a more practical, pragmatic approach might make marriage more of a possibility in the future.

npr link:http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18751687

Bride & Groom Summer Wedding touched up painting by H Malott
Daily Paintings from H Malott: http://hmalott.blogspot.com

‘The Wedding Morning’ 1892
John Henry Frederick Bacon (1866 – 1913)
In "Wedding Day" by Cao Xiumen, everyone in the village celebrates the wedding day, bringing gifts and excitement to the new household. The painting brims with energy created by the brilliance of color and movement in the composition.


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