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第七週 週三


啟二一22 我未見城內有殿,因主神全能者和羔羊為城的殿。

二二3~4  …在城裏有神和羔羊的寶座;祂的奴僕都要事奉祂,也要見祂的面;祂的名字必在他們的額上。










WEEK 7 — DAY 3

Morning Nourishment

Rev. 21:22 "And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple."

22:3-4 "...And the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His slaves will serve Him; and they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads."

    If a church has been built up, that church surely will have these four conditions: first, it will have God as the temple—God’s presence; second, it will have God’s throne—God’s ruling; third, it will have the flow and supply of God’s life; and fourth, it will have God’s light. If we have these conditions, this proves that we have been built up because only in the building can we have all these blessings of God.

    First, a built up church has God’s presence. Revelation 21:22 says that there is no temple in the New Jerusalem, for God and the Lamb are its temple. We know that during the Old Testament times the temple was the center of Jerusalem. Therefore, that God and the Lamb are the temple means that God and the Lamb themselves become the center of the city. In other words, God is with the city, and the city has the presence of God. (The Building Work of God, pp. 95-96, 88)

Today's Reading

    Where there is building, there is the presence of God. God’s presence follows His building. Does not our experience also tell us that whenever we are built together with all the saints, we have God’s presence, and whenever we are individualistic, we immediately lose the sense of God’s presence?...Three persons [may have three opinions about] when to have a gospel meeting....The time of the meeting should be decided altogether according to God’s presence. If there is the presence of God, then any time is proper, regardless of whether it is in the morning, in the afternoon, or in the evening. But if there is not the presence of God, then no time is suitable.

    Therefore, we must hold on to this principle: God’s presence is the criterion for every matter. Regardless of what we do, we must pay attention to whether or not we have God’s presence. Do we have God’s presence while we are expressing our opinions? Do we have God’s presence while we are saying certain things or taking a certain attitude? Is God’s presence in our suggestion or proposal? If we touch the presence of God in all things, we will see that God will be there as the temple, and the building of God will be with us. When we argue with each other, we all may be for the Lord, and our insisting may be quite justifiable. However, due to our arguing we do not have God as the temple—the presence of God. Instead, we have torn down the city.

    The brothers and sisters who criticize are the first ones to lose the presence of God, regardless of whether they are right or wrong in their criticism or judgment. They do not have God’s presence, and they do not have God as the temple. Among these ones there is no building....We must see that in the church reasoning does not matter. What matters is the presence of God.

    The Spirit does not care about how right you are. He cares only about your attitude, your intention, and your condition....In the church,...the louder a person argues, the greater his loss is. The more we reason, the more we lose God’s presence. Please remember that the temple in the New Jerusalem is God Himself. God’s presence is the center of the city. Therefore, in the church we must have the presence of God; we must have God as the temple. Then we will be built up to have the condition of the New Jerusalem.

    The manifestation of God is altogether due to the presence of God, and God’s presence is altogether due to the oneness and harmony among the saints. This oneness and harmony are the building. If among the brothers and sisters there is friction, opinion, disharmony, and discord, then when you go into their midst, you will sense darkness instead of light. Their messages might be very good, and their prayers might be very loud, but you cannot sense any light there. This is because there is no building of God among them. (The Building Work of God, pp. 88-91, 95)

Further Reading: The Building Work of God, ch. 7

台長: Joshuachang

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