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讀經:創一 26 ~ 28,太六 9 ~ 10、13,林前十五47,弗二 15,啓十一 15

綱  目

週 一

壹    神創造了一個團體人,不僅要彰顯祂,也有祂的管治權管理萬有以代表祂—創一 26、28:

一  聖經啓示三一神造了一個人,是按着祂的形像並有祂的管治權,以彰顯祂並代表祂—26 節。

二  神在祂的神聖三一裏,按着祂自己的形像創造了一個單個的人,並且把全地的管治權託付給這一個
      人;我們越經歷並享受三一神,就越在神聖形像和神聖管治權的實際中長大—27 ~28 節,林後十三
        14,弗三 14 ~ 17。

貳    神給人管治權,目的是征服神的仇敵,那背叛神的撒但—創一 26、28:

一  地上所爬的爬物豫表那蛇撒但,和他的使者,以及跟隨撒但的鬼—26 節,三 1、14,啓十二 4、7、
       9,太二五 41,參路十 19。

二  創世記一章二十八節的『制伏』含示,神在地上與祂的仇敵撒但之間進行着一場激烈的爭戰;誰贏得

三  神有一個難處,就是天使長撒但,他背叛神,並成爲神在宇宙中,特別是在地上的仇敵—賽十四 12 ~
      14,結二八 12 ~ 18:

1    根據創世記三章一節,神的仇敵撒但藏身在地上的一種爬物—蛇—裏面。

2    神爲了征服祂的仇敵,從而解決祂的難處,便賜人權柄管理祂所造的萬有—一 26。

3    人特別要管理地,甚至制伏地,因爲地已經被背叛神的仇敵所篡奪—28 節。

4    神需要人行使祂對所有爬物的權柄,也需要人制伏並征服背叛的地,好使神能恢復地來爲着祂的國—
       太六 9 ~ 10。

週 二

四  神要用人對付祂的仇敵;爲這目的,神造了人;神要受造的『人』對付受造而墮落的『撒但』—創一 28。

五  『人如果沒有從撒但的手下把地收回來,那就還沒有達到神創造人的目的。…對付撒但是爲着神的好處。…對付撒但是爲着滿足神的需要。』(聖潔沒有瑕疵,十三頁)

參    神給人管治權,目的是恢復地—28 節:一  神造人的用意,乃是要爲祂自己恢復這地—26 節:

1    人爲神所造有權柄管治地,是要制伏地、征服地,因而爲神恢復地—26、28 節。

2    神盼望再取得地;地已變成一個有決定性的地方,撒但想要持有地,神也想要得回地。

3    人受託付要繁衍增多,徧滿地面,並制伏這地—28節。

二  主的名必須在地上被尊爲聖,並在全地成爲尊大的—太六 9 ~ 10,詩八 1、9。

三  在千年國的時候,全地要成爲神的國,並且在永世裏,新耶路撒冷要從天而降到新地上—啓十一 15,
        二一 1 ~ 2。

週 三

肆    神給人管治權,目的是運用神管理地的權柄,使神的國得以臨到地上,神的旨意得以行在地上,神的
        榮耀得以顯在地上—太六 10、13 下:

一  我們需要運用神的權柄,使神的國得以臨到地上—10 節:

1    真正的召會就是今世的神的國—十六 18 ~ 19,十八 17 ~ 18,十三 44 ~ 46,羅十四 17,林前四
      20,弗二 19,西四 11,啓一 4 ~ 6。

2    召會帶進國度;召會的工作就是把神的國帶進來—太六 10,十二 22 ~ 29,啓十一 15,十二 10:

a    召會的產生乃是爲着帶進國度—太十六 18 ~ 19,十八 17 ~ 18,啓一 6、9,十一 15。

b    召會應當用權柄禱告以帶進神的國—太六 10。

二  我們需要運用神的權柄,使神的旨意得以行在地上—10 節:

1    神是一位有定旨的神,有祂自己喜悅的旨意;祂爲着自己的旨意,創造了萬有,好成就並完成祂的定
       旨—啓四 11,弗三 9 ~ 11,西一 9。

2    國度完全是神旨意的事,並全然完成了神的旨意;事實上,國度就是神的旨意—太六 10。

3    我們需要禱告,願父的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上;這就是將諸天的國帶到地上—10 節。

週 四

三  我們需要運用神的權柄,使神的榮耀得以顯在地上—13 節:

1    神是榮耀的神;榮耀是神的彰顯,就是彰顯出來的神—徒七 2,弗一 17,三 14、16、21,啓二一 10 ~ 11。

2    神的國乃是神運用祂的能力,使祂的榮耀得以彰顯的範圍—太六 10、13。

伍    神的目的是要人有祂的形像彰顯祂,有祂的權柄代表祂,這乃是在基督這第二個人,並在一個團體的新人身上得着完成—林前十五 47,弗二 15,一 22 ~23,林前十二 12,西三 10 ~ 11:

週 五
一  基督不僅是末後的亞當,也是第二個人—林前十五 45、47:

1    頭一個亞當是人類的開始;末後的亞當是人類的終結—45 節。

2    亞當是頭一個人,是舊造的元首,在創造中代表舊造;基督是第二個人,是新造的元首,在復活中代
表新造—45、47 節。

3    我們這些信徒,因着出生,包括在頭一個人裏面;又藉着重生,成爲第二個人的一部分;我們信入基督,把我們從頭一個人遷出,遷入第二個人裏面—羅五 12 ~ 21。

二  召會是一個新人,是團體的,宇宙的,由猶太與外邦這兩班人所造成,由所有的信徒所組成;他們雖多,但在宇宙中只是一個新人—弗二 15:

1    神創造的人是一個集合體—創一 26:

a    神所造的團體人,因着人墮落受了破壞;因此,神需要產生一個新人。

b    新人的產生,乃是藉着基督在祂的肉體裏廢掉規條,並藉着在祂自己裏面創造一個新人—弗二 15。

週 六

2    創世記一章神創造人,這是一幅圖畫,描繪出在神新造裏的新人;這就是說,舊造是新造的表號、豫
表—弗二 15,四 24:

a    至終,召會作爲一個新人乃是在神心意中團體的人,這新人將成就雙重的目的:彰顯神以及對付神的仇敵。

b    神的心意是要重生一個新人的許多肢體,就是基督一個身體的許多肢體—林前十二 27。

c    作爲召會,就是在神永遠定旨裏的團體人,我們彰顯神,並代表神制伏地並征服祂的仇敵—西三 10。


Dominion—Subduing the Enemy, Recovering the Earth,
and Exercising God's Authority over the Earth

Scripture Reading: Gen. 1:26-28; Matt. 6:9-10, 13; 1 Cor. 15:47; Eph. 2:15; Rev. 11:15


I.  God created a corporate man not only to express Him but also to represent Him by having dominion over all things (Gen. 1:26, 28):

A.  The revelation of the Bible is that the Triune God created man in His image and with His dominion to express Him and represent Him (v. 26).

B.  God in His Divine Trinity created a singular man in His own image, and He committed to this man dominion over all the earth; the more we experience and enjoy the Triune God, the more we will grow in the reality of the divine image and the divine dominion (vv. 27-28; 2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 3:14-17).

II. God's intention in giving man dominion is to subdue God's enemy, Satan, who rebelled against God (Gen. 1:26, 28):

A.  The creeping things that creep upon the earth typify Satan, the serpent, and his angels, as well as the demons, who follow Satan (v. 26; 3:1, 14; Rev. 12:4, 7, 9; Matt. 25:41; cf. Luke 10:19).

B.  Subdue in Genesis 1:28 implies that a war is raging on earth between God and His enemy, Satan; whoever gains the earth will have the victory.

C.  God has a problem, and this problem is Satan, the archangel who rebelled against God and became His enemy in the universe and especially on the earth (Isa. 14:12-14; Ezek. 28:12-18):

1.    According to Genesis 3:1, Satan as God's enemy hid himself in the serpent, one of the creeping things on the earth.

2.   In order to subdue His enemy and thus solve His problem, God gave man authority to rule over all things created by God (1:26).

3.   Man especially must rule over the earth and even subdue the earth because the earth has
been usurped by God's rebellious enemy (v. 28).

4.   God needs man to exercise His authority over all the creeping things, and God needs man
to subdue and conquer the rebellious earth so that God may recover the earth for His kingdom (Matt. 6:9-10).

D. God wants to use man to deal with His enemy, and He created man for this purpose; God wants His creature man to deal with His fallen creatureSatan (Gen. 1:28).

E.  “If man has not restored the earth from the hand of Satan, he has not yet achieved God's purpose in creating him...Dealing with Satan is for the benefit of God...Dealing with Satan satisfies God's need” (The Glorious Church, p. 11).

III. God's intention in giving man dominion is to recover the earth (v. 28):

A.  God created man with the intention of recovering the earth for Himself (v. 26):

1.    Man was created by God to have dominion over the earth, to subdue it, to conquer it, and
thereby recover the earth for God (vv. 26, 28).

2.   God wants to regain the earth; the earth has become a crucial place, a place that Satan
wants to hold and a place that God wants to regain.

3.   Man is commissioned to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth, and to subdue it (v. 28).
B.  The Lord's name must be sanctified on earth and become excellent in all the earth (Matt. 6:9-10; Psa. 8:1, 9).

C.  During the millennium the earth will become the kingdom of God, and in eternity the New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven to the new earth (Rev. 11:15; 21:1-2).


IV. God's  intention  in  giving  man  dominion  is  to  exercise  God's authority over the earth in order that the kingdom of God may come to the earth, the will of God may be done on earth, and the glory of God may be manifested on earth (Matt. 6:10, 13b):

A.  We need to exercise God's authority so that the kingdom of God may come to the earth (v. 10):

1.    The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age (16:18-19; 18:17-18; 13:44-46;
Rom. 14:17; 1 Cor. 4:20; Eph. 2:19; Col. 4:11; Rev. 1:4-6).

2.   The church brings in the kingdom; the work of the church is to bring in the kingdom of
God (Matt. 6:10; 12:22-29; Rev. 11:15; 12:10):

a.   The church was brought into being for the purpose of bringing in the kingdom (Matt. 16:18-19; 18:17-18; Rev. 1:6, 9; 11:15).

b.   The church should pray with authority to bring in the kingdom of God (Matt. 6:10).
B.  We need to exercise God's authority so that the will of God may be done on earth (v. 10):

1.    God is a God of purpose, having a will of His own pleasure, and He created all things for His will so that He might accomplish and fulfill His purpose (Rev. 4:11; Eph. 3:9-11; Col. 1:9).

2.   The kingdom is absolutely a matter of God's will and completely fulfills God's will; in fact,
the kingdom is God's will (Matt. 6:10).

3.   We need to pray for the Father's will to be done on earth as in heaven; this is to bring the
kingdom of the heavens to the earth (v. 10).

C.  We need to exercise God's authority so that the glory of God may be manifested on the earth (v. 13):

1.    God is a God of glory; glory is the expression of God, God expressed (Acts 7:2; Eph. 1:17; 3:14, 16, 21; Rev. 21:10-11).

2.   The kingdom of God is the realm in which God exercises His power so that He can manifest His glory (Matt. 6:10, 13).

V. God's intention that man would express God in His image and represent God with His authority is fulfilled in Christ as the second man and in the corporate one new man (1 Cor. 15:47; Eph. 2:15; 1:22-23; 1 Cor. 12:12; Col. 3:10-11):

A.  Christ is not only the last Adam but also the second man (1 Cor. 15:45, 47):

1.    The first Adam is the beginning of mankind; the last Adam is the ending (v. 45).

2.   As the first man, Adam is the head of the old creation, representing it in creation; as the
second man, Christ is the Head of the new creation, representing it in resurrection (vv. 45, 47).

3.   We believers were included in the first man by birth and became part of the second man by regeneration; our believing into Christ has transferred us out of the first man into the second (Rom. 5:12-21).

B.  The church is the one new man, which is corporate and universal, created of  two  peoples,  the  Jews  and  the  Gentiles,  and  composed  of  all  the believers, who, though they are many, are one new man in the universe (Eph. 2:15):

1.    God created man as a collective entity (Gen. 1:26):

a.   The corporate man created by God was damaged through man's fall; hence, there was the
need for God to produce a new man.

b.   The producing of the new man was accomplished through Christ's abolishing in His flesh
the ordinances and through His creating the new man in Himself (Eph. 2:15).


2.   God's creation of man in Genesis 1 is a picture of the new man in God's new creation; this
means that the old creation is a figure, a type, of the new creation (Eph. 2:15; 4:24):

a.   Eventually, the church as the one new man is the corporate man in God's intention, and
this new man will fulfill the twofold purpose of expressing God and dealing with God's enemy.

b.   God's intention is to regenerate many members of the one new man, who are the many
members of the one Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27).

c.    As the church, the corporate man in God's eternal purpose, we express God and we represent Him to subdue the earth and to conquer His enemy (Col. 3:10).

台長: Joshuachang
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