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第五週 ‧ 週一


創一 26『神說,我們要按着我們的形像,照着我們的樣式造人,使他們管理海裏的魚、空中的鳥、地上


    神創造了一個團體人,不僅有祂的形像以彰顯祂,也運用祂的管治權管理萬有以代表祂。神給人管治權,目的是:1. 征服神的仇敵,那背叛神的撒但;2. 恢復被撒但所篡竊的地;以及 3. 運用神管理地的權柄,使神的國得以臨到地上,神的旨意得以行在地上,神的榮耀得以顯在地上(太六 10、13 下)(聖經恢復本,創一 26 註 5)。




    神給人管治權的用意是甚麼?…神第一面的用意就是對付祂的仇敵,對付爬物所象徵的撒但(創一 26)。在聖經中,爬物是屬鬼的,屬撒但的。…四活物—鷹、牛、獅子和人,代表一切受造之物,呈現在神的寶座前。在神面前沒有蛇或蠍子等爬物的代表(創世記生命讀經,九九頁)。

    〔在創世記一章二十六節,爬物〕豫表那蛇撒但(三 1、14,啓十二 9),和他的使者(太二五 41,啓十二 4 上、7 下),以及跟隨撒但的鬼(參路十 19)(聖經恢復本,創一 26 註 6)。

    創世記一章二十八節的『制伏』含示,神在地上與祂的仇敵撒但之間進行着一場激烈的爭戰。誰贏得地,誰就得勝。神造人是要人為神制伏、征服並恢復地(創一 28 註 1)。

    神把管治權賜給受造的人,使人能代表神,對地上神所造的萬物行使神的權柄。神是創造者,但祂不想自己直接管理地。祂把管治權賜給人,使人能管理地上的萬物。…我們若仔細讀聖經,就會看見神有一個難處,就是天使長撒但,他背叛神,並成為神在宇宙中,特別是在地上的仇敵(賽十四 12~14,結二八 12~18)。根據創世記三章一節,神的仇敵撒但藏身在地上的一種爬物—蛇—裏面。神為了征服祂的仇敵,從而解決祂的難處,便賜人權柄管理祂所造的萬有。人特別要管理地甚至制伏地,因為地已經被背叛神的仇敵所篡奪。所以,神需要人行使祂對所有爬物的權柄,也需要人制伏並征服背叛的地,好使神能恢復地來為着祂的國。



  ‹‹  WEEK 5 — DAY 1  ›› 

Morning Nourishment

Gen. 1:26 "And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let
                     them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven and over
                     the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the

28 "And God blessed them; and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and
               subdue it, and have dominion..."

    God created a corporate man not only to express Himself with His image but also to represent Him by exercising His dominion over all things. God's intention in giving man dominion is (1) to subdue God's enemy, Satan, who rebelled against God; (2) to recover the earth, which was usurped by Satan; and (3) to exercise God's authority over the earth in order that the kingdom of God may come to the earth, the will of God may be done on the earth, and the glory of God may be manifested on the earth (Matt. 6:10, 13b). (Gen. 1:26, footnote 5)

Today's Reading

    In Genesis 1:26 and 27 the word man in Hebrew is singular. This indicates that the one God in His three persons created a singular man in His own image, and He committed to this man His dominion over all the earth. This one sentence encompasses the divine revelation in the entire Bible, for the revelation of the Bible is that the Triune God created a man in His image and with His dominion to express Him and represent Him.

    Through the enjoyment of the Triune God, day by day we are growing in the reality of the divine image and the reality of the divine dominion. The more we grow in Christ, the more we have God's image, and the more we have God's authority. When people come into the church meetings, they can touch the reality of Christ in the flow of the Spirit, and they can see the expression of God and sense the subduing and conquering by the exercise of the divine authority. (CWWL, 1970, vol. 1, pp. 94, 106)

    What was God's intention in giving man dominion?...The first aspect of God's intention is to deal with His enemy, to deal with Satan typified by the creeping things (Gen. 1:26). In the Bible, the creeping things are demonic, devilish, and satanic....Four living creatures, representing all creation, are present before the throne of God—the eagle, the ox, the lion, and the man. No creeping things such as serpents or scorpions are represented before God. (Life-study of Genesis, p. 79)

    [In Genesis 1:26 creeping thing typifies] Satan, the serpent (3:1, 14; Rev. 12:9), and his angels (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 12:4a, 7b), as well as the demons who follow Satan (cf. Luke 10:19). (Gen. 1:26, footnote 6)

    Subdue [in Genesis 1:28] implies that a war is raging on earth between God and His enemy, Satan. Whoever gains the earth will have the victory. (Gen. 1:28, footnote)

    God gave created man dominion so that man could represent God by exercising His authority over all the things on the earth that were created by God. God is the Creator, but He does not want to rule over the earth by Himself directly. He gave dominion to man so that man could rule over all things on the earth....If we read the Bible carefully, we will see that God has a problem, and this problem is Satan, the archangel who rebelled against God and became His enemy in the universe and especially on the earth (Isa. 14:12-14; Ezek. 28:12-18). According to Genesis 3:1, Satan as God's enemy hid himself in the serpent, one of the creeping things on the earth. In order to subdue His enemy and thus solve His problem, God gave man the authority to rule over all the things created by God. Man especially must rule over the earth and even subdue the earth because the earth has been usurped by God's rebellious enemy. Thus, God needs man to exercise His authority over all the creeping things, and God needs man to subdue and conquer the rebellious earth so that God may recover the earth for His kingdom.

    The enemy Satan is powerful, but we have the authority to stop him. (CWWL, 1970, vol. 1, pp. 97-99)

    Further Reading: CWWL, 1970, vol. 1, pp. 94-107; The Vision of God's Building, ch. 1

台長: Joshuachang
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