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 第六週 ‧ 週五


創四 4『亞伯也從他羊羣中頭生的,從羊的脂油拿供物獻上。耶和華看中了亞伯和他的供物。』

五 24『以諾與神同行,神將他取去,他就不在世了。』




    在亞伯被殺以後,生命線似乎中斷了;但塞特和以挪士卻被興起接續這條線。這兩代有一個顯着的特徵—他們開始呼求主的名(創四 26)。他們不但禱告,並且呼求主名。如果你讀希伯來文和希臘文,會看見『呼求』這辭的意思不僅是禱告,乃是大聲呼喊。…呼求主的名就是享受主,喫主作生命樹。

    以諾一生的特點是與神同行(五 22、24)。聖經沒有告訴我們他為神工作,或為神作了大事,卻告訴我們,他與神同行。這是非常有意思的。要與一個人同行,你必須喜歡他。我若不喜歡你,絕不會與你同行。我先是喜歡你,接着是愛你,然後就不斷的與你同行。以諾與神同行的事實證明他愛神。他就是愛活在神面前。…他的被提乃是根據於與神同行三百年。以諾給我們絕佳的榜樣。

    挪亞跟隨以諾的腳蹤,也與神同行(創六 9)。他與神同行的時間,實際上超過三百年。當挪亞與神同行時,神向他顯示一個異象,叫他看見神在那時代要作的事。挪亞接受了方舟的異象,這方舟救了墮落族類中的八個人。像挪亞一樣,我們不該照着我們的觀念行事。我們的所行、所作,都該照着我們與主同行時所得的異象。在我們每天與主的同行裏,我們會明白祂的心願、祂的心思和祂的旨意。這樣,我們就能照着神的心願,而不照着我們的想法工作事奉。挪亞是藉着與神同行而享受神。

    亞伯拉罕被榮耀的神的顯現所傳輸。當亞伯拉罕在迦勒底的吾珥時,榮耀的神向他顯現並吸引他(徒七 2)。按照創世記的記載,神還曾幾次向亞伯拉罕顯現(十二 7,十七 1,十八 1)。亞伯拉罕憑自己並不是信心的大漢,他和我們一樣輭弱。但是榮耀的神一次又一次向他顯現,每一次都將祂神聖的成分傳輸注入到他裏面,使他能憑神的信活着。…亞伯拉罕是照着神的顯現而行走。

    除了經歷神的顯現之外,亞伯拉罕也呼求主名(十二 7~8)。亞伯拉罕的兒子以撒,孫子雅各,也都呼求主名。因為這三代都是一樣,所以神被稱為亞伯拉罕、以撒和雅各的神。這就是說,神是那活在祂顯現中並呼求祂名之人的神。因為亞伯拉罕活在祂的顯現中,並呼求祂的名,他就享受神作生命樹(創世記生命讀經,二二五至二二九頁)。


 ‹‹  WEEK 6 — DAY 5  ›› 

Morning Nourishment

Gen. 4:4 "And Abel also brought an offering, from the firstlings of his flock, that is, from their fat
                   portions. And Jehovah had regard for Abel and for his offering."

5:24 "And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him."

    Apparently the tree of life has been closed to man; actually through the promised redemption it
has been available throughout the ages for God's people to touch, enjoy, and experience. Now in a very simple way I want to give you many of the positive persons on this line of life....We begin with Abel.

    The characteristic of Abel's life was that he contacted God in God's way (Gen. 4:4). Do not say that as long as you contact God everything is all right. In whose way do you contact God—in your way or God's?...We should observe the example of Abel and contact God by laying aside our thought, opinion, and concept. “Lord, I contact You in Your way. I don't contact You by my thought, concept, or knowledge. Lord, You are my way.” If we do this, we will enjoy God as the tree of life. Abel did partake of God as the tree of life. He truly ate of the fruit of this tree. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 183-184)

Today's Reading

    After Abel was slain, the line of life seemed to be terminated. Nevertheless, Seth and Enosh were raised up to continue it. These two generations had one outstanding characteristic—they began to call upon the name of the Lord (Gen. 4:26). They not only prayed, but called on the name of the Lord. If you read the original text of the Hebrew and Greek, you will see that the word call means to cry out, not only to pray....To call on the name of the Lord is simply to enjoy Him and to eat Him as the tree of life.

    The characteristic of Enoch's life was that he walked with God (Gen. 5:22, 24). We are not told that he worked for God or that he did great things for God, but that he walked with God. This is very meaningful. In order to walk with a person, you must like him. If I do not like you, I will never walk with you. Firstly, I like you, then I love you, and then I will walk with you continually. The fact that Enoch walked with God proves that he loved God. He simply loved to be in the presence of God....He was raptured on the basis of his walk with God for a period of three hundred years. Enoch offered us an excellent example.

    Noah followed Enoch's footsteps and also walked with God (Gen. 6:9). Actually, he walked with God for a period even longer than three hundred years. As Noah walked with God, God showed him a vision of what He wanted to do in that age. Noah received the vision of the ark used to save eight members of the fallen race. Like Noah, we should not act according to our concept. Whatever we do and work should be according to the vision we received in walking with the Lord. In our daily walk with the Lord we will come to see His desire, His mind, and His will. Then we will work and serve according to God's desire, not according to our own thoughts. Noah enjoyed God by walking with Him.

    Abraham was transfused with the appearing of the God of glory. While Abraham was in Ur of the Chaldees, the God of glory appeared to him and attracted him (Acts 7:2). According to the record in Genesis, God appeared to Abraham several other times as well (Gen. 12:7; 17:1; 18:1). Abraham was not a giant of faith by himself; he was as weak as we are. The God of glory appeared to Abraham again and again, each time transfusing and infusing His divine elements into him, enabling him to live by the faith of God....Abraham walked according to the appearing of God.

    In addition to experiencing the appearings of God, Abraham called upon the name of the Lord (Gen. 12:7-8). Abraham's son, Isaac, and his grandson, Jacob, also called upon the name of the Lord. Since these three generations were all the same, God was called the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This means that God is the God of His people who live in His appearing and who call upon His name. As Abraham lived in the appearing of God and called upon the name of the Lord, he enjoyed Him as the tree of life. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 184-187)

    Further Reading: Two Principles of Living; The Tree of Life, ch. 2

台長: Joshuachang
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