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第六週 ‧ 週六


出三三 14『耶和華說,我的同在必和你同去,我必使你得安息。』

約六 57『活的父怎樣差我來,我又因父活着,照樣,那喫我的人,也要因我活着。』

    神在火燒荊棘的異象中向摩西顯現,荊棘被火燒火着卻沒有燒燬(出三 2、16)。摩西感到驚奇,轉過去看這荊棘。神似乎對摩西說,『摩西,你必須像這火燒的荊棘。不要憑你自己來燒,或憑你自己行動。你有一顆好心,但你行事的方法錯了。』…摩西學會停下自己的知識、自己的作法、自己的力量和自己的活動。摩西開始像他先祖所作的,活在主的同在和顯現中。他的行動不再出於他自己。從那時起,他就與神是一。為着帶領以色列人走他們的旅程,主對他說,『我的同在必和你同去,我必使你得安息。』他對神說,『你的同在若不和我們同去,就不要把我們從這裏領上去。』(三三 13~15)這表明摩西知道,為主工作需要有主的同在。他是在神的同在中行動(創世記生命讀經,二三一至二三二頁)。


    摩西帶以色列人出埃及之後,神呼召摩西到山頂上,在那裏停留四十天。他在山頂上時,完全被神的榮光所注入。從山上下來時,神的榮耀從他臉上照射出來(出三四 29)。在這山頂上,摩西經歷了對神作生命樹完滿的享受。生命樹雖然對於不信的人已經消失不見,對於像摩西這樣的人卻又顯出來了。摩西在榮耀的山上享受神作生命樹。

    大衛是一個信靠神並仰望神的人(撒上十七 37、45,三十 6)。大衛一生的祕訣是渴慕一直住在神的殿中,瞻仰祂的榮美(詩二七 4、8、14)。這就是說,他享受神的同在。此外,他享受神作肥甘和樂河的水(三六 8~9)。大衛說,『在你那裏,有生命的源頭。』這證明甚至在古時,大衛就享受神的生命作生命樹,並作湧流在他裏面的江河。

    但以理的禱告生活,是從聖別生活產生出來的。他在異教之地的巴比倫,過着聖別的生活。例如但以理拒絕喫王膳,這食物是先向偶像獻祭,然後纔給王和他人民食用的(但一 8)。但以理拒絕了那些食物,卻大大的享受了神。他享受神作生命樹。

    新約中第一位在生命線上的人,就是主耶穌。耶穌不但享受生命樹,祂就是那生命樹。祂自己說,祂從父而來,並因父活着(約六 57)。祂不照着知識學問活着,祂的生活、行事為人和工作,都是照着在祂裏面作工的父(十四 10)。




  ‹‹  WEEK 6 — DAY 6  ›› 

Morning Nourishment

Exo. 33:14 "And He said, My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest."

John 6:57 "As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me,
                     he also shall live because of Me."

    God appeared to Moses in a vision of a burning bush, a bush that burned without being consumed (Exo. 3:2, 16). Moses was surprised and turned aside to see this bush. It was as if God was saying to Moses, “Moses, you must be like this burning bush. Do not burn by yourself or act by yourself. You had a good heart, but you acted in the wrong way.”...Moses learned to cease from his own knowledge, his own way, his own energy, and his own activities. Moses began to live, as his grandfathers had done, in the presence and the appearing of the Lord. No longer did he act out of himself. From that time onward, he was one with God. For the leading of the Israelites on their journey, the Lord told him, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.” And he said to the Lord, “If Your presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here” (Exo. 33:13-15). This shows that Moses knew the necessity of the Lord's presence for his
work for the Lord. He was acting in the presence of God. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 189-190)

Today's Reading

    After Moses had brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, God called him to the mountaintop, where he remained for forty days. While he was on the mountaintop, he was thoroughly infused with the shekinah glory of God. As he descended along the side of the mountain, the glory of God radiated from his face (Exo. 34:29). On this mountaintop Moses experienced the full enjoyment of God as the tree of life. Although the tree of life had disappeared from unbelieving men, it nevertheless appeared to a person like Moses. Moses enjoyed God as the tree of life on the mount of glory.

    David was a man who trusted in God and looked to Him (1 Sam. 17:37, 45; 30:6). The secret of David's life was that he desired to dwell continually in the house of God and to behold His beauty (Psa. 27:4, 8, 14). This means that he enjoyed the presence of God. Moreover, he enjoyed God as the fatness and as the river of joy (Psa. 36:8-9). David said, “With You is the fountain of life.” This proves that even in ancient times David enjoyed God's life as the tree of life and as the river flowing within him.

    Daniel's prayer life issued out of a holy life. He lived a holy life in the heathen land of Babylon. For example, Daniel refused to eat the king's food, the food which was first offered to idols and then used to feed the king and his people (Dan. 1:8). Daniel refused that food, and he enjoyed God very much. He enjoyed God as the tree of life.

    The first person on the line of life in the New Testament was the Lord Jesus. Jesus not only enjoyed the tree of life; He was the tree of life. He Himself said that He came from the Father and that He lived because of the Father (John 6:57). He did not live according to knowledge and learning. He lived, walked, and worked according to the Father who was working within Him (John 14:10).

    What should we do today? We should not do anything. We should simply stay on the line of the
tree of life, enjoying God as our life and as our life supply. God will take care of everything. Out of the enjoyment of the Lord as our life supply, we will have our daily life, walk, work, and the building up of the churches. Then everything we have will be according to God's divine element, not according to our own concepts....May the Lord have mercy on us that we all may continue on the line of life.

    Second Corinthians 3:6...says, “the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”...The Bible in dead letters, which belongs to the tree of knowledge, kills, while the Spirit, who belongs to the tree of life, gives life. Therefore, we do have a choice. Praise the Lord for this choice! The choice of life! Besides the line of knowledge there is the line of life. We must make a choice between life and knowledge. We must choose between death and life. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 190, 192-195, 211-212)

    Further Reading: Life-study of Genesis, msg. 16

台長: Joshuachang
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