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2008-06-07 22:35:53| 人氣177| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Friday and Saturday

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Nothing to talk about, i was able to convince my mum to let me stay on friday :D
So i stayed :D
First, i went to play basketball,
was shooting 3 pointers with Ben,
he’s damn gay.......
Then we went to library to play the computer, haha :D
played Yugioh GX with him, hahahah
Then i called jie, and then like she told me TC wanted her phone back from Ben
so i asked ben for it, so i returned it to TC.
Lucky ben though, he nearly lost the phone, wont tel why :P

Today, iwent to Sho hei’s house..
MAn, so rich-like man, although its a bit messy.
He has a dog, called Ruby. Its cute
i let him smell me to let him recognise me next time :D
Then Ruby was like licking my hands and legs, which i went to wash later, haha, he’s really cute
he wagged his tail when i was patting him :D
I went to see Sho hei’s card colection...
1000+.... i was nearly blind when i finished looking at all of them
Then we played a few rounds :D
i was using his unfinished E-hero deck, and i OWNED him :D
Then we played Wii.
First we played naruto, he’s really pro at it, although i was like bit good also (Oh yea man), but he won EVERY game...
sai ka man.
Then we played a japanese 戰國
quite fun,
although i must admit Sho hei’s better than me lol
then i went home...
Then the rest of the day was normal.
What do u expect?

台長: 傻逼的昱廷
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Sarahh :D
haha cool, Ben always either almost loses stuff or just loses them one haha.
2008-06-08 00:17:24
bit like me, i take time to realise.
Its like when i need it, i find out it`s gone...=.=
2008-06-08 20:56:34
2008-06-09 12:12:01
Vivvv ♥
I expect the sky to fall on my kor`s head ^^

2008-06-09 12:51:50
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