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當歸 ~*【母親節偶感】

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當歸 ~*【母親節偶感】

西風曲還弄  蝶魂夢亦同

一弦伴一柱  白髮共千古

遙書無可寄  不見相落地

山雲動容際  自是當歸期

2005/05/03 【晨霂瀲影~*】





願大家 ! 親情永在。(*^_^*) Goodbye's【Celine Dion~*席琳˙迪翁】

Goodbye's(The Saddest Word) (再見,是最傷感的話) 【 獻給母親的一首歌】

Mamma, you gave life to me 媽媽,您賜予我生命

Turned a baby into a lady 使一個小娃娃成為一位淑女

And Mamma, all you had to offer 而媽媽,您所給予我的一切

Was a promise of a lifetime of love 就是那一生都享有愛之承諾。

Now I know 如今我已知道

There is no other love like a mother's 世間再沒有其他任何一種愛比得上一位母親

Love for her child 對她孩子的愛!

I know that love so complete 我也知道,一份如此完美的愛

Someday must leave 也總有一天會離開

Must say goodbye 終須道一聲再見 !

Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear “再見”是我聽過最感傷的話

Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near“再見”! 這是我最後一次能夠緊緊將您擁抱

Someday you'll say that word and I will cry 總有一天,您會說出那句話,而我將會哭泣

It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye 聽到您說再見,將會令我心碎

Mamma, you gave love to me 媽媽,您賜予我真愛

Turned a young one into a woman 使一個天真少女成為一位成熟女人

And Mamma, all I ever needed 而媽媽,我此生所需要的

Was a guarantee of you loving me 就是您深愛著我的保證

'Cause I know 因為我知道

There is no other love like a mother's 世間再沒有其他任何一種愛比得上一位母親

Love for her child 對她孩子的愛!

And it hurts so 然而事實將使您傷痛,

That something so strong 當您發覺一份如此堅強的愛

Someday will be gone 有一天將會消逝,

Must say goodbye 終須道一聲再見!

Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear “再見”是我聽過最感傷的話

Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near “再見”! 這是我最後一次能夠緊緊將您擁抱

Someday you'll say that word and I will cry 總有一天,您會說出那句話,而我將會哭泣

It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye 聽到您說再見,將會令我心碎

But the love you gave me will always live 但是您付給我的那份愛 將會生生不息

You'll always be there every time I call 當我呼喚您,您總在我身邊,

You offered me the greatest love of all 您給予我世間最偉大的愛

You take my weakness and you make me strong 您化解了我的脆弱,讓我變得堅強

And I will always love you 'till forever comes 我將永遠愛您,直到永恆!

And when you need me 而當您需要我

I'll be there for you all the way 我也會在您身邊,全心為您付出

I'll be there whole life through 我將會伴您一生

I'll be there this I promise you mamma 媽媽 我會在那裡,這點我可以保證

I'll be there beacon through the darkest nights 最黑暗的夜晚,我就是伴您渡過的路燈

I'll be the wings that guide your broken flight 坎坷旅程,我會成為您迷失時,指引的雙翼。

I'll be your shelter through the raging storm 風雨來臨,我會陪伴您,庇護您。。。。。

And I will love you 'till forever comes 而我將永遠愛你,直到永恆

Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear “再見”是我聽過最感傷的話

Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near “再見”! 這是我最後一次能夠緊緊將您擁抱

Someday you'll say that word and I will cry 總有一天,您會說出那句話,而我將會哭泣

It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye 聽到您說再見,將會令我心碎

'Till we meet again...直到我們再度相聚

Until then...而在那一刻到來之前

Goodbye 再見

【Celine Dion的Goodbye's真的很感人、動聽呢 !網路貼出來的英文歌詞都有誤,我還自己把它訂正,朋友笑說:「我真的有夠骨力{勤勞的台語}。」我回他說 :「這首歌,我從去年聽到今年呢 !」沒有人懂得 ! 沒有人了解的 !】

台長: 晨霂瀲影
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