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EA didn’t provide an official NHL 21 release date

Over the last few months, there has been much attention in the upcoming EA Madden 21 and FIFA 21 game. Both games are part of the event EA Play. In recent weeks, EA also debut UFC 4 detail along with the beta for the game. Noticeably missing from all EA events and promotions have been NHL 21. That changed on Monday, because finally we got the announcement that the game will take place, with a release date NHL 21 a bit later than usual.

While NHL 21 EA did not give an official release date, they let everyone know this game will be out later than expected. EA tweeted out updates progress through their Twitter page with a link to the EA NHL website. On a web page, they noted that the game will be released in October this year. Traditionally, NHL game arrives in September.

EA announcement cites one full year of "exceptional circumstances" and showed they needed "to make major adjustments in developing games from home." While they mention the game is basically done, they also need a few weeks to polish up the final product. If you want to know where to Buy NHL 21 Coins, 5mmo.com will be your best choice.

Another major detail revealed in EA’s announcement is with regards to the game’s availability for the next-generation consoles. Based on their statements, the game will be played on the PlayStation and Xbox Series 5 X. However, due to "forward compatibility" that the PS4 and Xbox One version will have on next-gen consoles.

For NHL 21, we made the decision to focus on innovation and adding new features than resource-heavy task of porting games to new console technology. You will still be able to play NHL 21 on a next-gen console with forward compatibility, but we are fully focused on the launch of NHL 21 on Xbox One and PS4 and look forward to the opportunity next-gen system will bring the future.

台長: mmocheaponline
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