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2005-12-06 13:53:49| 人氣50| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

西元二零零五年 十二月五號 星期一 下午四點十一分

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Monday, December 05, 2005 --- 4:11pm

I cried during chemistry class and after school. I am glad that not many people had seen me cried. I tried to comtrol myself, but I guess after failed social test, I cannot handle it anymore.

It is not stress, just upset. I studied like 1~2 hours or more,yet nothing got along with that. Usually, I do not studied for any of the unit tests or quizes. After Gr.11 year started, I studied and oh damn it, it is worse than before. I want to swear again. I think my expectation push me to the oppsite end of my goal...... normal very normal......

I am probably going to fail math test too. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT GOT INTO ME. THE TESTS ARE SO THE DAMN EASY.


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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 心情感想 |
此分類下一篇:西元二零零五年 十二月二十五日 星期日 晚上十一點四十七分
此分類上一篇:西元二零零五年 十月十八號 星期二 晚上九點三十九分

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