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2005-12-28 14:50:48| 人氣59| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

西元二零零五年 十二月二十五日 星期日 晚上十一點四十七分

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Sounds came through the wall
Yelling and shouting
Fighting and swearing
Wonder when will it stop?

Why make things worse when they are already not perfect?
There is no point to do so, however, humans are humans.
MANKIND WILL NEVER CHANGE until they feel death is nearby then BEGGING!

It is Christmas but no Christmas. YOU POEPLE JUST KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.

Baby cried for no reason. Mom said he is a bit sick. His mom said he does not feel well. Father said HE IS CRYING. His father said I'll hold him. Brother said You always have a reason. Sis said I can hold him, can't I? After all, he is still crying.

台長: mm
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 心情感想 |
此分類下一篇:西元二零零五年 十二月二十六日 星期一 10:50am
此分類上一篇:西元二零零五年 十二月五號 星期一 下午四點十一分

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