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2004-09-11 09:49:47| 人氣40| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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yellow one: 邊個夠我型..hua~~
blue one : 咪扮野啦...
pink one : 嘩,見倒強尼,梗係要避避啦.佢咁型!
grey one : 哼..同我鬥? 省少少啦!
arc : 強尼魅力,誰人敢擋.
昨晚看了異獸戰,比想像中好看,真的很好笑.. 血獸對異型vs人類 :敵人的敵人,是我的朋友!

仍在努力搵工,想搵學校的工作,可以接觸多d人,無咁悶同擴大一點生活圈子嘛!希望呢幾年可以做多d唔同工種,我估當我失業時,都多幾個選擇,唔駛拿手唔成世咁啦,咩都試過,先知自己想點?! Right!!

Tonight not so happi, cox not good with my parent. i wanna go tai land to have a trip, my mother wanna go indonesia, i said no money pay for her, my father just say why not? n why not give money to mother first n go trip later...i feel very angry about that. why not i can't go trip n pay her money next month................why i must give her first! i feel unhappy n angry. n wanna see them. so i leave home this night!!!!

台長: siu miu :3
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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