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2005-11-24 10:31:59| 人氣93| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【The Tide Is High】

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Atomic Kitten原子少女貓  The Greatest Hits水漾年華

Never give up
Yeah, Yeah
Never give up

{section a}The tide is high
But i'm holdin on
i'm going to be your # 1
I'm not the kind of girl
who gives up just like that
Oh, no

It's not the things you do
That tease and hurt me bad
but it's the way you do the things
you do to me
I'm not the kind of girl who gives up
Just like that
oh, no

{repeat section a}

Every girl want's to be her man
But i'll wait right here till it's my turn
i'm not the kind of girl ho gives up just like that

the tide is high
But i'm holdin on
i'm going be your #1

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