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2005-09-25 18:09:30| 人氣45| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

How to prevent the heart disease ?

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How to prevent the heart disease (the news , website )? It is be careful not to be too fat! Today is the heart day of the world, the heart association of the Republic of China holds annual public good to declare the activity of leading in the Forest Park of Daan in the morning, call upon people implement and ’ man waist 90 woman 80 healthy new rule ’, in order to maintain the weight of health and gentle and graceful figure , reduce and suffer from obesity , cardiovascular vessel disease and headstroke probability.

Investigate according to the heart alliance of the world , 300 million people face the obesity problem at least in the whole world, and it cause the cardiovascular disease and important factor of the headstroke that the obesity and weight are overweight, 17 million people die at least every year in the whole world.

Nearly 6.1% of the adults suffer from the cardiovascular disease in Taiwan, take the 2nd place of the whole causes of the death of people at present; Fat person’s people’s probability of heart disease usually among them, 2 times higher.

In order to prevent the cardiovascular disease from encroaching on the personal health, director of the Republic of China heart association the Changjiang River proposes text, the people can learn the personal fat degree through simple and easy waistline measurement ; As for Asians’ waistline, man should maintain under 90 centimeters , women should maintain under 80 centimeters , increase 1 each time , suffer from cardiovascular risk of disease raise 3% , suffer from diabetes risk many 2% to 4% , is it suffer from to have higher to 6% risks blood pressure to suffer from.

In addition, the river text is said, the people can remind oneself to measure the personal health at any time through the simple and easy pithy formula that ’ five check that three is looked for ’ too, a what is called one ’ 5 consult ’, namely check the weight , check the waistline , check the blood pressure , check the fat of blood and check the blood sugar, ’ three is looked for ’ to look for the food with low card , look for chance sports , let time strong in examining.

Another, national health office adult and health care for the middle and old aged group group leader slowly auspicious to call upon even while being auspicious, the people should adopt three low principles , try one’s best to eat more low fat , less sugar , food with low salt in diet , and absorb high and fine high to support the family plain food more, a most important one form every day balanced kind habit of diet, keep the body being in the best state, can just avoid the emergence of the cardiovascular disease effectively .

台長: mickey
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