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2015-02-09 11:24:05| 人氣144| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

If life never meet, I'll never worry about a distant people

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If life never meet, I won't believe, there is a person can never tire, there is one kind of people one knows to feel warm. Who can't meet, guess why? How could I deeply appreciate what ocean is far, what is near, far distance, in the heart.

The long journey - Northern spirit
Life is a practice to
Always want to dip in the water in a pool of warm
Forgotten in the time of the years
As far Daili who frown
How do I also didn't have hurt
I was still in place
Together in the fleeting seen scenery
Light relies on the candle
When I no longer confessional youth

If life never meet, I'll never worry about a distant people. I have a deep desire, wish you happy every day. The subtle feelings is true, subtle greetings are enough, subtle longing is deep, subtle wishes come true. Although all of you can give the illusion.
If life never meet, I don't know how the ocean a habit, to collect your laughter, collect your feelings, you collect all all.
If life never meet, I can deep experience loneliness and sadness, there is a sense of moving, casting up tears mood sleep.
If life never meet, I won't keep a person's imagination, even if this imagination is lonely and helpless, but I still insist that the ocean dream.
If we don't meet each other, how I can understand a person's loneliness is that Yang Ming, yet it can release my hesitation and helplessness. Tearful vicissitudes, infinite confusion, because met you, will have a deeper meaning. For what in love, always with the touch of sadness?
If we don't meet each other, how can I know the real meaning of love. There must be a margin to dance, cherish the love today can synchronization. Not the same road with you, can't sync with your.

台長: We just forget to say
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