今天是大考的第二天 -ˇ-
而我卻有歷史阿 =O=
另一科是美術所以不用考 ︿︿
第一節是復習用的課 ^ ˇ^
接下來兩節就是大考拉 = ︿=
就跟她聊天啦 ...
= =結果~她說她考完了 !!!
怎麼可以先考??!!!!= 0=
她考80。不過她很開心 因為通過及格成績拉
> ︿<就一直跟我說她很開心。
我卻是繃著心情a 跟她聊
因為我還沒考ㄚ > <
後來我又提早回教室 再讀一滴滴
打鐘嚕>"<超緊張a= 。=
挨。50選擇 3簡答 1作文
= 0= 很多ㄟ。對我這個sux @ history的人來說
anyways 我當然有寫完啦 。
只是= 。=唉唷。還是很confusing。
猜了一大堆阿 煩ㄟ 真是的
eassy是寫完了 short answer是回答了
討厭X( 選擇也是阿 猜猜猜 = =.....真是夠了
因為考完了...心情放鬆很多 ^^
做我的作品~oh yeah~ I love it !!!
我們正再做一個很帥的畫> ˇ <
之後那節課完去第五節~....reading esl "again!!!"
man....sitting there and do nothing...o well
I did some art work ...to gain credictz
after that is PE again !! yeah ~ lucky...
I have PE everyday ~~~ lol !!!
體育課沒事做= 0 =
sitting there and do whatever thing you want !!!!
Dan and I played some little games ...
then talked ...then...I don’t know !!!!
just wasting time thou.
一打鐘 我跟Dan就衝去買午餐啦....
很是感到很幸運yo ! !因為gym就在那旁邊 ! !
所以我們都是前十個買到的= .= ~~ 可以慢慢吃 ...
上次還第一個!!!!= o = 哈哈 lucky !!!!
吃不下 > 0 < 周圍的女生也都沒人要幫我吃 !!!!- .-
只好就留在盤子裡= =等著丟掉 ~~ ....
後來跟Dan一直聊天啦^^".....結果= ="
聊一聊 R 就突然站起來= ="看著我的麵包 ...
我以為他要吃勒 ~ 想說不用浪費了 = =
= =然後說yeah !!! (昏倒)
大家都傻眼...= =...都以為他要吃的...結果..
放一個餅乾= =...問他吃不吃? 不吃- 0- 哈哈哈
最後餅乾的下場還是進了垃圾筒..只是餅乾賠了他= o =
大家都說我畫的很讚^^ 我自己也很喜歡唷 !!!yeah !!
but ...I poked myself with the scratch thing ...too stupid...
Alex was laughing at me so hard...omg ...too embarrsing.. ...
= =" o well ... what ever !!!I’m done with that project thou.
happyyyyy !!! hahah ~~ I also got my bird project back !!
too funny...I broke some hair of my bird when I was packing...
then ...Dan was laughing at me so hard !!!!!!
then....I also got a big bag for art ....
there suppose to have some things in that ....
I thought I have one project in there....so I didn’t throw it away...
then when I opened that in front of Dan...
There was nothing in there !!! omg ...too stupid...
carrying a big big bag without anything inside...
= =so when I got to cafeteria..I put my bird on the chair..
and tried to folded that thing and threw it away....
but at the same time ...Jimmy was trying to see my bird....
Then my hand just raised up and trying to stop him...
= =the result was...I broke a lot hair again...
everyone was laughing at my bird !!!!.........
It supposed to be a cool bird with cool hair....
then it became to a retard bird with bold head...
o well !!!!!it’s okayyyyyy !!!!
talk to him on msn again ~~
He called me thou .... not me !!!
okay !!!!!
got to go !!!!!
less than 10 days !!!!