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2004-07-26 16:51:27| 人氣1,742| 回應0 | 下一篇

Marisa needs our help!!

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Marisa needs our help

Marisa had an accident in the US and she passed away last Wednesday.
Her parents are on their way to the US and they'll bring Marisa back by the end of July.
The ceremony will be held on the 10th of August in 圓玄學院。
We'll let everyone know about the details later.

Now we are raising fund for her family as 帛金。

We have opened a new bank account in Hang Seng Bank today, solely for this purpose.
And we'll photocopy the bankbook and the invoice of remittance (when we remit the money to Fay)for everyone's reference.
We hope everyone of you can help her out, as a friend, as an old schoolmate..or just because you are a St Marian.

Hang Seng Bank: 224-2-113641

Below are the links about the news.


If you have questions or doubts regarding this matter, please don't hesitate to contact:

Virginia Chan
E-mail: sissy_fool@hotmail.com
IcQ: 31877472

Samantha Li
E-mail: ssub10@yahoo.com
Icq: 6780389

Eunice Yeung
E-mail: tin_tintintin@yahoo.com
Icq: 8954 0456

台長: Marisa
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