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2004-01-26 17:34:18| 人氣81| 回應0 | 下一篇

The Von Bondies(plus lyrics of C ''mon C ''mon )

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The Von Bondies are ~~
Jason Stollsteimer -- Guitar,Vocals
Carrie Smith -- Bass
Don Blum -- Drums
Marcie Bolan -- Guitar

繼White Stripes後,美國底特律(Detroit)又崛起一個樂團--The Von Bondies,兩團除了是同鄉外,也同屬唱片公司Sympathy for the Record Industry旗下;另外,White Stripes主唱Jack White曾向唱片公司力薦The Von Bondies,也讓他們擔任演唱會暖場團體,算是引Von Bondies入行的一大功臣。

不過此情此景恐不複見,Jack White和Von Bondies主唱Jason Stollsteimer去年底在酒吧轟轟烈烈地幹了一架,Jack White因此面臨了牢獄之災,The Von Bondies也在官方網站上放了則標題為"The Von Bondies' Statement about Detroit Incident"的新聞,敘述這起打架事件,這兩人難道是應驗了〝沒有永遠的朋友〝這句話?

八卦事談完,White Stripes風光依舊,各音樂獎項提名了不得;Von Bondies也竄出頭,單曲C'mon C'mon本週登上NME雜誌排行榜冠軍,新專輯〝Pawn Shoppe Heart〝二月份推出在即,21世紀初,復古風熱鬧滾滾、樂此不疲,C'mon C'mon!

C'mon C'mon / The Von Bondies

on another day c'mon c'mon
with these ropes i tied can we do no wrong
now we grieve cos i was gone
things were good when we were young

with my teeth locked down i can see the blood
of a thousand men who have come and gone
now we grieve cos i was gone
things were good when we were young

is it safe to say? (c'mon c'mon)
was i right to leave? (c'mon c'mon)
will i never learn? (c'mon c'mon)
(c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon)

as i make my way c'mon c'mon
these better nights that seem too long
now we grieve cos i was wrong
things were good when we were young

with my teeth locked down i can see the blood
of a thousand men who have come and gone
now we grieve cos i was gone
things were good when we were young

is it safe to say? (c'mon c'mon)
was i right to leave? (c'mon c'mon)
will i never learn? (c'mon c'mon)
(c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon)

is it safe to say? (c'mon c'mon)
was i right to leave? (c'mon c'mon)
will i never learn? (c'mon c'mon)
(c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon)

and no this day these deepened wounds don't heal so fast
can't hear me croon of a million lies that speak no truth
of a time gone by that now is through

台長: 降落傘
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV)

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