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Hey Student!

Are you struggling with your dissertation?

This has become quite common in recent days!

Yes, lately, numerous students are found online googling, dissertation writing guidelines, help for writing academic documents, and so on.


Are you also one of them? Don’t get offended; this article is just here to help you! You heard it right!


Students' basic mistake when writing their dissertations is not focusing on the guidelines, not just the ones mentioned in the requirements sheet but also the obvious ones.


Students out of a hurry to get this BIG task done often land in big trouble. Many times, the reason is, they missed the basic rules. And, to save you from such pitfalls, this article is compiled. So, let's check it out!


1. Researching

Let's begin with the research process. When you are researching, here are a few points that you need to keep in mind:

a) Do not copy others.

b) Go with your instincts.

c) Learn about the topic first.

d) Pick one that also interests you.

e) Do not go with too easy or too tough picks.


2. Writing

Next comes the writing part, which is obvious. But, most of the students make mistakes here, and thus, a brief list of guidelines to follow when you are doing this part:

a) Don’t first start writing.

b) Research thoroughly before you begin.

c) Always make an outline that can help in writing.

d) Make the first draft and follow it before finalizing it.

e) Do not edit the document while you are writing the document.


3. Editing

The third part is editing, where you go through the written document and ensure it is error-free and all good for submission:

a) After you complete writing, do not edit immediately.

b) Read the document later with fresh eyes.

c) Go for finding one mistake at a time.

d) Try editing and proofreading techniques to get better outcomes.

e) Don’t miss checking for plagiarism.


4. General Rules

Here are a few general rules you need to pay a look at to ensure you are on the right path and for good:

a) Do not copy other’s work or miss citations in case you refer to any.

b) It isn't a school project; make it look professional rather than clumsy.

c) Use pictures, tables, graphs, and diagrams wherever needed but do not overdo them.

d) Include only relevant facts that are backed with evidence to avoid trouble.

e) Step into the shoes of your professor and give it a final read before submission.


These are the obvious dissertation writing guidelines that aren't told or mentioned but are mandatory to follow. You can bookmark this or note these down to ensure you have a checklist to crosscheck if you forget by any chance. However, if you are stuck with this and need any help from dissertation writer, then you can search online for the best assistance.


Summary: Know some untold and obvious dissertation writing guidelines from this article.

台長: mandylowe621
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