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2006-08-14 22:56:41| 人氣14| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Big Secret Of Dealing With People

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People don’t have many wants, but what they want deep down they crave with all their hearts. Herein lies the key in dealing with other people---find out what it is they really want and show them how to get it. Do this for a person and they will move mountains for you.

If our ancestors had not had a burning desire for a feeling of importance, civilization would have been impossible----we would be acting just like animals. If we can find out from what source a person draws their own personal feeling of importance, we have the key to their character.
Can you imagine the power that you hold in your control when you give people heart-felt appreciation and recognition. Correctly used, these people become highly motivated to help us do anything we want. Flattery is a pale shadow of honest appreciation, and people see right through it. The difference between flattery and appreciation is that flattery comes from the teeth out while appreciation is telling the other person exactly what he wants to hear.

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