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2006-07-27 16:58:35| 人氣47| 回應0 | 上一篇

Chocolate Ice *Janice

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Bring me to the sea of sugar and spice
reminiscing through some chocolate
tik tok, take time to be gentle and kind
you sweat cause you run and run all
day in my mind

fly to the moon and the sun
and let’s go have fun
(come and take my hand and free our soul again)
fly to the moon and the sun
and let’s go have fun
it’s 123
my love is plain to see
what i do for you, baby, do for me

let me serenade your soul when you’re
feeling down and low let the music
come alive let tendermess arrive
let me serenade your soul when you’re
feeling down and low boy, you make
me feel so high together we can fly

台長: Charming★Man
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全站分類: 興趣嗜好(收藏、園藝、棋奕、汽機車)

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