doTERRA Canada October 2018 Product Promotions and Specials
一、Save 10% In October (Save 10% OFF)-2018年10月九折主打星- 10 % Discount Product in October 2018:doTERRA Veráge™ Immortelle Hydrating Serum 花漾年華保濕精華露15ml。
*Guatemala瓜地馬拉、Costa Rica哥斯大黎加、Taiwan台灣市場同步優惠!
二、LRP 125PV Free Product of The Month每月一物):10/15前doTERRA Canada多特瑞加拿大會員完成「Loyalty Rewards Program忠誠顧客獎勵計畫」單筆訂單達125PV (含以上) 並成功出貨,即可獲贈每月一物:Lemon( Citrus limon)檸檬精油15ml。
※doTEERA United States美國、Europe歐洲市場同步活動!
Receive the Free product of the month by placing an LRP order of 125 PV or more between 1-15 October 2018.
三、200 PV Promotion~200PV(FREE Red Mandarin, Kumquat, Clementine, and Iris Car Diffuser)滿點加碼大方送!
購物200PV超值優惠滿點送〜2018/10/1~10/31止,凡單張訂單滿200PV點數(含以上),即可免費獲得doTERRA Iris車用USB薰香水氧機和柑橘三重奏精油1組(內含Red Mandarin紅柑精油5ml+Kumquat金橘精油5ml+Sunny Citrus煥然一新複方精油5ml)
*新加入doTERRA U.S. and Canada多特瑞美國和加拿大會員(Wholesale Customer或Wellness Advocate)的朋友也適用喔!(搭配免入會費的入會套裝省很大!購買大套組加入加拿大多特瑞會員還有機會獲得免費產品點數可兌換產品)。
1. Green Mandarin Citrus nobilis essential oil青橘精油15ml
2. Kids Oil Collection 10ml roll-on溫柔寶貝複方系列精油6入套組 (滾珠瓶)
3. Magnolia Touch Michelia alba essential oil 呵護系列-木蘭花(玉蘭花精油)10ml滾珠瓶
4. Pink Pepper Schinus molle粉紅胡椒精油15ml
5. Turmeric Curcuma longa薑黃精油15ml
6. On Guard Mist保衛複方淨化噴霧27ml
2018.10.06澳洲RAFA高階芳療師 吳小貓彙整
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