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2010-06-17 11:35:51| 人氣109| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

20100612 每日五成功:Helping my friend

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I did translation today

Return passport to my mother in law
Because of apply for USA visa, I borrowed passport of my mother in law. Finally I do not use it, so I returned to her as soon as I can.

3. Take a big rest
I slept for 2 hours.

4 .Got good news of my friend
My friend said she want to move a cheep house. There is a empty studio room upstair. My mother in law is willing to rent to her. I am very happy that I could help my friend.

5. Cooking for lunch
I ate with my husband.

Thank you
Forgive me
I love you
I am sorry

台長: 愛錢
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 每日五成功 |
此分類下一篇:20100613 每日五成功:Get good star for my business
此分類上一篇:20100611 每日五成功:To keep deep belive

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