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2007-12-08 15:35:59| 人氣104| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

When there was me and you

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It’s funny when you find yourself

Looking from the outside

I’m standing here but all I want

Is to be over there

Why did I let myself believe

Miracles could happen

Cause now I have to pretend

That I don’t really care

I thought you were my fairytale

A dream when I’m not sleeping

A wish upon a star

Thats coming true

But everybody else could tell

That I confused my feelings with the truth

When there was me and you

I swore I knew the melody

That I heard you singing

And when you smiled

You made me feel

Like I could sing along

But then you went and changed the words

Now my heart is empty

I’m only left with used-to-be’s

And once upon a song

Now I know you’re not a fairytale

And dreams were meant for sleeping

And wishes on a star

Just don’t come true

Cause now even I can tell

That I confused my feelings with the truth

Because I liked the view

When there was me and you

I can’t believe that

I could be so blind

It’s like you were floating

While I was falling

And I didn’t mind

Cause I liked the view

Thought you felt it too

When there was me and you

台長: 傻X淇ㄦ
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