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共找到2筆符合洋基加油的資料 搜尋全站»
  Jeter打第三棒?洋基在全隊傷兵累累下,不得不作此安排,Jeter今天也不負眾望的,傷癒歸隊繳出3安打2打點的表現,率洋6:5扳倒金鶯,三連戰搶下首勝。   洋基先發打線傷......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-06-03 19:47 | 人氣:37 | 回應:0
Derek Jeter doesn’t leave many games early, so watching the captain leave the field in the fifth inning on Monday must have been a strange sight for the Yankees. Luckily for the ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-05-30 23:49 | 人氣:43 | 回應:0

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