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2004-10-10 00:03:10| 人氣24| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

~*~*First time~*~*

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in this moring in hk ge about 7:05a.m....called jor ar chi~*~*this is the first time me gum early called him~*~*hahaha~*~*it was u.k timege 12:05a.m ar~*~*i still didn't sleep ar~*~*heehe~*~*miss him so much ar really~*~*but lei...i bother jor him ...cos he needed to go out ar...and ng g he had ng had late lei??really so sorry about that la~*~*^^talked jor 10 mins gum la~*~*then cut jor line lu~*~*cos he really needed to go la~*~*finished talk to him...after 20 mins...me and LokYn dol went to bed and sleept lu~*~*too tired la~*~*woke up at about 10:00a.m..wakakaka~*~*but nothing to do....stay at home all day...cos needed to look after LokYin...so mo duk go out=.=....moon die jor...ar chi can't online..so can't talk to him...ng g when he sin can online lu~*~*then i only check gb and leave message...and chatted with some fds la...mo lu~*~*~*bored bored die~*~*but...always dol think about ar chi~*~*>3<

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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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