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2009-04-18 02:39:03| 人氣948| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wesley rides his Thomas bike

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We bought a bike for Wesley two days ago. He kept asking for a bike since he saw our neighbours' kidsssss are all riding those small bikes. We finally took him to toysrus and asking him to choose one he really likes. It didn't take too much time for him to decide what he wants. When he first saw the " Thomas the Tank Engine" bike, he just jump into it, no matter how we tried to make him like the other "Tanka" bike ( looks much nicer to us). We also got the helmet and elbows, knees protection for him. Well, since he has also fall in love with "Spider man", "the cars", and " thomas" for quite some time, he took the "Cars" halmet, but both of me and Kevin really prefer to get him the " spiderman". lucky enough he has a pair of "spiderman" runners, it is not too difficult for me and kevin to get what we want. Ai... to raise a kid, you got to prepare "$$$"

After we got home. he wanted to ride on the bike RIGHT AWAY. No break for us. Kevin instaled the bike for him, and took him outside to try on. No doubt, he DID NOT KNOW HOW TO RIDE. Hahahahaha!. Wesley is really my son, NEVER GIVE UP!. we have to clear up our house to make enough space for him. He started to practice from 5 pm until 10 pm. Of course, he knows how to ride his first bike now.

Second day morning, the first thing after he got up, he came to me and asked me to take him out to show his biking skill to the neighbours. Now, He is on his bike most of the time even just from the living room to the kitchen, from kitchen to the family room. I am so glad that we moved from the apartment to the house with a nice neighbourhood.

Riding a bike! It is another mileston for Wesley.

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