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2008-03-09 21:26:55

→to someone who doesn’t understand..

  想寫封信給妳,我考慮好久。   經過上次的經驗,我覺得妳看信看不到重點(這是個人主觀,別生氣)。但是,不寫,我又常常想起這些不知該不該講的話,所以還是寫下。至於,哪時讓妳看?我還無法下定決心,在...

2008-02-17 23:04:00



2007-12-29 00:33:55

→Just call me Kris..

Just call me by the name. Either Kris or Chris is of no big difference. Either Mr. or Ms. is nothing to be cared about. Just forget who I am. That’s also fine... Better, hopefully.

2007-12-13 15:48:36


別再搞不清楚心理諮商和心理治療了 我被諮商 是因為你以為我不確定自己 我沒有被治療 因為 我˙沒˙有˙生˙病! Just try to be professional, ok?

2007-11-29 10:24:54


Don’t tell me that I am wrong. One should know that I have NO choises... Just shut up its fucking mouth!

2007-11-27 13:48:58


心理在過寬的灰色界線上擺盪 不定啊, 如何 生理被囚禁在二擇一的結界裡 究竟...我說... 造物者是惰於刪去錯誤 亦或 開了過頭的玩笑...

2007-11-27 13:44:15


雖然, 你的診斷我不接受 生理女性 如何 嘗試 痛苦 徬徨 掙扎 悲泣 然後選擇 或是拒絕 接受 逃避 自己的心理男性...

2007-11-27 11:54:18


A.I.=Androgynous Individual... What you see is not what you see. You just never know...

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