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2005-09-10 00:19:44


my new diary http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=legonico as i know xanga can perform that function, i would like to use that to stop myself from ’eight’!

2005-09-06 21:00:56


lunch with tammy again~~others don’t understand why we obsessed in that restaurant la...although it is so different from that in TW...becos we are sec classmate!! there are always different memories ...

2005-09-03 19:45:31


Yesterday i went to have hot pot with 20 other colleague...heard some shocked comment on me...強 or 小鳥伊人...both are totally unrelated to me...if he has this expectation...it is not surprising that...

2005-09-02 00:12:20


today i went to metroplaza with uni friends, and dined at 大魚豐作, less expensive than i expected...happy to see u all, and cow cow as usual has so many funny things...the hair is shone to be black.....

2005-09-01 00:02:11


lunch with tammy today...happy to meet frd during working days...although what we talked are all our troubles...she is always clever enough to understand what i say... mo noi issues continues since...

2005-08-30 22:28:59


i don’t mind someone telling lies to me, provided that he/ she can keep the truth forever.

2005-08-30 00:21:27


d no. 又亂哂籠la... 放工已經超tired, 因為有少少頭痛 不過有人生日大過天 於是都照去 出到去又冇事喎 吃了小飛象 非常之普通 希望好運不是真的結了業 拍了貼紙相 之後看鍾金湖 聽了一些虛無飄渺...

2005-08-28 20:43:35


i bought two books yesterday with my coupon got from twgss. One was sex and the city, one is da vinci code. i don’t want to repeat my experience with harry potter. I know once i buy them, i will fini...

2005-08-26 21:43:27


回家後在看一些東西 有些不開心 中間原來發生了這些那些事 很奇怪 每天都看到同一個名字 名字的xx出現也比其他人多 不知是什麼生活... 可能不要看比較好 今天上班 ok 比昨天好 我也很想逛街 幸好我只...

2005-08-25 21:27:12


that mr is crazy. this is the third time that he pointed me out of the class because of my passive character. if u think i am not suitable for this, u could choose to reject my application at the very...

2005-08-23 23:22:41


終於終於在一個月後重新在家上網 有時又有點想給別人看,奇怪... 這兩天都沒有下雨 偏偏自己去camp的那兩天下雨 真係十萬個頂 期待己久的camp 沒有了戶外活動 總有點不足 看到屋的時候更覺掃興 不過當晚...

2005-07-15 10:17:10


點解我一路寫 entry的數目便一路跌??? 找到了 不用担心 專心pack野

2005-07-13 19:59:25


finally end! exhausted becos of the new home...so troublesome...

2005-07-13 19:58:32


finally end! exhausted becos of the new home...so troublesome...

2005-07-10 00:50:27


點解d no.好似亂哂龍咁?? i think i'm really a kind of people that always lean on other's comment, and to some extent the other's comment always overwhem mine... there is always a cycle...feel ene...

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