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2014-09-30 13:19:34| 人氣617| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Gratitude creats bt4 world

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Yesterday, my friend rode me to some secert bt4 spots @ mountain. When sitting @ rear seat, trees n breeze kissed my face n sounds of sea sang 4 me. It was exactly the movie scene, naturally amazing n I was the leading actress.
I realized when we admire the world in positive n bright perspective, our lives get better. Only ppl following this belief exclusively feel the beauty of reality. 金剛經said the world is neutual mirror, reflecting receivers' imaginations. Goodness or badness depends on receivers' perspectives. If so, why not believe life is good, n the world will reflect wat u crave for.
I like the quote I read @ instagram: Fall in love w urself, the essentially crucial step 2 embrace the world. When we feel joyful (be loved by self), we got vigorous passion 2 get along w reality. N always find the awesome points of ppl n things.
Feel loving n grateful, the world will be created by your beliefs.

I m falling love w myself every day
Je me aime beaucoup toute les jours.
Me amo mucho cada dia.

台長: Louishakespeare
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