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2007-04-22 18:48:49| 人氣257| 回應5 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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台長: Yvette
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此分類上一篇:Omen? Ah--Men!

I’ll be there
As I have always been
With whom a bleakest soul would share
Those detailed shine and sheen
Glitter, quiver, and hive
Into a vast sapphire we’d dive
To heave a sigh denied, betrayed
Against our inside goblin
2007-11-24 19:48:45
Three more bravos to &quotsapphire&quot and &quotgoblin&quot--precise and crystalline images!

Plus applause to all of the verbs!
2007-11-24 22:02:07
YV again

Your English poem resembles your Chinese poem. Stylish!

The alliteration of &quotshine&quot and &quotsheen&quot is wonderful, but then, the long &quotee&quot vowel carries a variation. You intended to break the pattern? Then, I have to indicate the rhyme scheme differently.
2007-11-24 23:38:31
Sid to YV
This one is a tiny, light poem. Separatedness is the poem’s “layout.” Its short space of eight lines is its unity. The small poem features its rhyme scheme with its individuality. It is very natural to cite as “we would dive” instead of “we’d dive” to fulfill the iambic footing, but the smooth sound strain seems vigorless then, hinting that there’s a following stanza. The sound effect of picking out “in” instead of “een” to scatter the rhymes, in my opinion, is due to the same intention to bring in “strength in setback.”

Try not to accept my explanation at first thought. What would a literature teacher say more?
2007-11-25 11:37:10
Literature Teacher
What would a literature teacher say more?

&quotDear class, do you like this poem? Today we already had enough analysis of this poem. The objective approach I suggested was to help you get more fun when you read and reread the poem. Enough analysis for the `signifier,` I guess. As for the `signified,` there should be SOMETHING deep down at the bottom of your heart which you might not like to discuss in class--something beyond words and beyond objective technical interpretation. Please let me know of your affective response in your journal. Thank you. Class dismissed. See you next time.&quot

That is what I would do, Pal!
2007-11-25 11:57:49
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