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2006-01-26 22:29:59| 人氣165| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

in my togs getting brown, having some lollies and hokey poke

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some of you might think i have gone bananas
exactly!!!! i have always been weird but none of you; my friends, have complained before, so really you are asking for it!

i am proud of being a kiwi, although i wasnt born in new zealand, but my boobs grew there
and the stupid high school i really seriously want to burn down also sets in a place
near wellington, north island and trust me if petrol drops, i will!

i have been away from home (nz) and at home (tw) for a few years now,
and i do miss my lollies and hokey pokey, laying around in my togs for some tan~
life is sweet as.

ok, this comes to the centeral frame of messages i am trying to express; as each society develops its unique culture so does its pattern of communication, and only those who are
familiar with that certain culture can understandand utilise the pattern well.
( yeah i actually did learn something at uni, dont underestimate my intelligence, thank you
very much)

so if you get the phrase which involves togs, lollies and how sweet life is, and presumably
you are physically in taiwan, please leave me your phone number or email, it'd b great to
get together and hav a drink or two, after all its always good to run into a kiwi.
(the last one i met gave me a bag of kiwi fruits! the green ones! life really can be grand
sometime). if you are not, it is still primo to talk in kiwi language

ok, so there will always be some words that you have to crack into, or in a much more
generalised context today thanks to dan brown and his books, "break a code/
explain what was once a word or phrase normal ppl understood"
in this case, i have left many clues in the code

and i personally believe the meaning lies within this code represents heaven for some of
us these days. when we just need a break from everything for some richer people
who can afford to "pamper"yourselves for a trip to bali or wherever else, you lucky souls!
taiwan is a busy place, at least in taipei the pace is fast and you are always one second
behind time (which sux)

schedule seems to be a pain either to keep or set, because you know if you set it you will
never be able to keep it, and if you keep up with it? well congratulations, you will need to
re-set it again soon, after you pick up that ringing phone or read your latest email. fabulous

thats life, which makes me even more sentimental about my togs, my lollies,
my hokey pokey (may i add mince&cheese pies + sausage rolls + cream doghnuts, thx)
i miss my kiwi land!!!

for those of you who really do enjoy breaking codes:

togs = swim suits
lollies = candies
hokey pokey = famous ice cream flavour/ this lolly thing your stupid science teacher
made you making them which turned out really gross, and he then told you
to dump them in the bin---dickhead
sweet as = cool

and here is one more for you to break:

bugger! i have to give money to my parents as well as my brother this year!!!

台長: 拉拉夫人
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此分類上一篇:心串串心蹦蹦臉兒紅都是為了你是你到我的夢裡來 後面我就不會了


這文章有趣 就事要從社會學的角度出發~呵呵
2006-01-28 02:21:54
不瞞你說 我大學的時候差點被社會學系挖角---
哈哈哈 我買新手機了 喔耶
2006-01-28 22:23:52
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