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2007-03-11 14:01:37| 人氣209| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

≠ 朱智勳在Daum的留言

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안녕하세요 지훈입니다

지금쯤 다들 시험열심히 보시고있겠네요

긴장도 많이 되시고 힘드시겠지만

그동안 열심히 하셨으니 다들 잘 되실꺼라

생각합니다 이글을보실때는 시험이 다끝나

홀가분하기도 아쉽기도하시겠죠^^

그동안 정말 많이 수고하셨고요 (앞으로도 열심히 해야겠죠^^)

이짧을 글로 작은 위로와격려가 됐으면 합니다

수험생 여러분들 너무 수고하셨습니다^^

물론 열심히 살아가척?모든분들도 수고하셨어요^^ㅋ

날씨추운데 감기 조심하셔요~^^

credit: daum

English translation by Jolee@soompi

Hello everybody, I am Ji Hun

You should be having your exams now.
Although it’s very stressful and tiring
I think you have worked hard and so you will succeed
When you see this message, you will be very glad ?
And feel your burden/tension being reduced right ?
You have really put in your efforts (and in future will need to do just as well orh ..)
If these words can comfort you in some way, that would be great
For those taking the entrance exams, you must be really stressed up
Of course, it must also be stressful for those others having to strive hard
In this rigorous rat race ..
Weather is turning cold .. to all of you .. please take care and
don’t catch the flu/cold ..

台長: coex
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