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2005-09-07 02:05:25| 人氣123| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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最近做什麼事都遇到了瓶頸 那是種挫折感 在我試著建立自信的同時.......


最近想學英文 所以我上週去icq搭訕了一個住在維也納的女生

其實我原先想認識澳洲的 想說澳洲都說英文八


後來才知道她是奧地利人 哈

我文藻同學建議我學習英文的管道ㄓㄧ 反正聊天輕鬆

(不過麻煩的是會有一堆男生加妳 都要刪掉)

很感謝她能一直跟我聊下去 教了我不少單字XD

這是我門的第二次談話 三天後


unk (12:32 AM) :
long time no see, how ar u
unk (12:33 AM) :
do u start to go to school?
Mrs_Dalloway (12:34 AM) :
hey.. yah, i’ve been at my parents this weekend and I also worked at my aunt’s, so I haven’t been online a lot.
nope, university starts on oct 3rd here
unk (12:36 AM) :
i start on next tuesday:-)
unk (12:38 AM) :
do u have web?

Mrs_Dalloway (12:38 AM) :
what do you mean? a website?
Mrs_Dalloway (12:38 AM) :
no, i don’t
Mrs_Dalloway (12:39 AM) :
i considered starting one, but it’s too much work
unk (12:39 AM) :
i have a new website ^^

unk (12:39 AM) :
i open it these days
Mrs_Dalloway (12:40 AM) :
yah? can i get the address?
unk (12:40 AM) :
of course~~~

unk (12:41 AM) :
but it is composed of almost chinese = =
Mrs_Dalloway (12:42 AM) :
ooh.. no prob, I’ll just pretend to understand :-P
unk (12:42 AM) :
unk (12:44 AM) :
what is ur birthday?

Mrs_Dalloway (12:44 AM) :
it’s march 16
Mrs_Dalloway (12:44 AM) :
and yours?
unk (12:44 AM) :
Mrs_Dalloway (12:46 AM) :
wow.. pretty weird, that those signs actually mean something to you :-)
unk (12:47 AM) :
which signs?

Mrs_Dalloway (12:47 AM) :
unk (12:48 AM) :
do u believe in star sign?

Mrs_Dalloway (12:51 AM) :
well... i certainly don’t believe in horoscopes (especially those in newspapers or magazines)..
but I think that each zodiac sign has it’s special characteristics, like pisces as I am are pretty sensitive or lions are stubborn..
Mrs_Dalloway (12:51 AM) :
why do you ask?
unk (12:53 AM) :
i have a little belive in star signs , for example i am taurus .and u ar a pisces
unk (12:54 AM) :
sth about one’s personality
Mrs_Dalloway (12:55 AM) :
i am sorry..which period is taurus?
Mrs_Dalloway (12:55 AM) :
ah, you already told me..may..
Mrs_Dalloway (12:55 AM) :
well, one of my best friends is taurus too and i have lots of lion-friends..
Mrs_Dalloway (12:55 AM) :
or capricorns
unk (12:56 AM) :
i like lion-friends
unk (12:56 AM) :
cause they ar confident
Mrs_Dalloway (12:56 AM) :
though u have to admit it’s kind of weird, that people are influenced by their date of birth... i’m not saying it’s not true, it’s just fascinating..

Mrs_Dalloway (12:57 AM) :
that’s true.. my sister is a lion and i always admired her confidence in herself
unk (12:57 AM) :
that’s right

unk (12:58 AM) :
do u have any brother or sister?
Mrs_Dalloway (12:58 AM) :
just one sister..
Mrs_Dalloway (12:58 AM) :
she’s just turned 19 in august?
Mrs_Dalloway (12:58 AM) :
u got any bros or sis?
unk (12:58 AM) :
i have a younger bros

Mrs_Dalloway (12:59 AM) :
i always wanted to have a bro, especially an older one
unk (12:59 AM) :
i am curios about german words....
Mrs_Dalloway (01:00 AM) :
jus’ ask *JOKINGLY*
unk (01:00 AM) :
and i think ur english is really nice...ahahahah
unk (01:01 AM) :
can u type "u ar so cute" in germanic
Mrs_Dalloway (01:01 AM) :
well thank you.. i watch lots of movies and tv, and I also love reading english books..
I’d love to move to NYC someday, that’s why I want to practice as much as possible..
Mrs_Dalloway (01:01 AM) :
"Du bist so suess"
Mrs_Dalloway (01:02 AM) :
or.. "Du bist so lieb"
unk (01:02 AM) :
:-) it is so cool ahahaha
unk (01:02 AM) :
why u want to move to NYC
Mrs_Dalloway (01:03 AM) :
don’t know.. well, I always wanted to move to the U.S... right now NYC, though that can change
unk (01:05 AM) :
do u have friends there?
Mrs_Dalloway (01:06 AM) :
no.. but that’d be cool
unk (01:07 AM) :
does ur best friend know that u want to move to US
Mrs_Dalloway (01:09 AM) :
i think so.. but i got to finish med school first (although i hope i can also do an internship in the u.s.)
and they can visit :-)
unk (01:09 AM) :
if u leave for ur city...i think they will miss u very much
unk (01:10 AM) :
wow...u want to be a doctor in the future!!
Mrs_Dalloway (01:11 AM) :
well, my best friends lives 2 hours from me and I only get to see her every 2-3 months and another one of my best friends just went to brussels for six months (also an internship)
i think, in real friendship the distance doesn’t matter - you’re always there for each other
unk (01:14 AM) :
u ar right!
unk (01:15 AM) :
learn to stand alone
unk (01:17 AM) :
can i ask u one question?

Mrs_Dalloway (01:18 AM) :
u can ask everything.. :-) I just decide if i’ll answer :-(
unk (01:19 AM) :
i just wanna know some point of view from different people
Mrs_Dalloway (01:20 AM) :
that i understand... it’s really interesting..
unk (01:21 AM) :
maybe about ’" love "
Mrs_Dalloway (01:21 AM) :
sure.. go ahead
unk (01:23 AM) :
what is ur view about love? ....especially between girls and boys
unk (01:23 AM) :
it really hard for me to describe it >"<
Mrs_Dalloway (01:25 AM) :
well.. I don’t know if I’m the right person to ask,cause I have really problems with commitment. sometimes I think I’m a guy born in a girl’s body, cause I just need soo much freedom and I can’t imagine being in a serious relationship right now..
it’s not just because of my need for freedom, it’s also that I really got hurt badly ones.. which makes it hard for me to trust someone.. ;-)
unk (01:25 AM) :
many people also melancholy cause love

unk (01:28 AM) :
got hurt by someone?
unk (01:29 AM) :
it that means?
Mrs_Dalloway (01:29 AM) :
long story.. never mind
unk (01:30 AM) :
that’s ok!! it is about person’s primacy........u don’t need to say
Mrs_Dalloway (01:30 AM) :
it’s a bit complicated..
unk (01:31 AM) :
ohoh i spell wrong words
Mrs_Dalloway (01:31 AM) :
i’ll just read over it :-P
unk (01:32 AM) :
it is privacy....ahahah sorry
Mrs_Dalloway (01:33 AM) :
I didn’t even notice :-)
Mrs_Dalloway (01:34 AM) :
well, I’m so sorry.. but i got 2 go.. i’m about to meet a friend of mine
unk (01:34 AM) :
ok good luck to u and wish u could always in good mood ....bye!
unk (01:35 AM) :
Mrs_Dalloway (01:35 AM) :


今天跟peggy聊了一下午的八卦= =
還有有得沒有的 這小子終於知道來要他的生日相片了
我的盛大18歲party pics還全都在他那 ㄘㄟ
沒想到我就這樣跟她聊了那麼久就沒去圖書館了 泣
而且是個超級電腦大白痴 = = |||

this is our relationship between us!

台長: unk
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