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2004-07-01 02:34:57| 人氣19| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

18th June 2004

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Since last night sleep at 5 something and 2day wake up at 8 something. So 2day very tired and sleepy. When back to school, saw many Yr 3 final year project demo. They are very pro! Many ppl using Lunix to run the project. Also they use Java(JSP), MySQL..... All those I haven't touch be4!! I'm very afraid next yr can't follow up..... So I must learn more in this summer! after school, Seven follow me back home and take the 13" old monitor. After she leave I played a while computer then sleep jor a while.... Then go on playing pc.....
2night dated my frd to watch the Troy in mid night which watch in IFC. After watching, it already 3 something!! SO so so SLEEPY!! And u phone me many times during watching. So finally I closed the mobile. When going back home sin open it and phone u back. And I reali wanna tell u that stop to do something which like a gf on me. (for 2night's example, ask me y i dun phone u and y dun tell u that i go to where and wanna control me dun go out at night) But when think out u worry on some one who lost contact 2 days with u. So i dun wanna make u more sad and dun tell u this moment.... Hope I can tell u soon la..... wah! it's already 5am again! i must gone sleeping....@o@"
Good Night my love, but please dun do something like a gf on me. I dun wanna wash my hair be wet since I just make it be dry! Please let me go......

台長: KeNnY
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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