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2003-11-08 10:44:14| 人氣22| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Long weekend~^O^

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This weekend is end so fast~~And I will have a long weekend,coz Monday is Pro.V(or D?) day,Tuesday is Rememberance day,both are holiday,so I am so happy ga lei~~So I have planned that what will we do in this weekend,Saturday go to downtown,Sunday go to Richmond,Monday go to have dinner with classmates,Tuesday stay at home~~heehee~~So wonderful~
And today I have a debate in conversation class,which I have prepared with my team mates for whole week.Although finally we lose,we can predict it,coz when we know the topic we know which side will win already~So actually we dun really care about the result,and it's also a good experience for all of us!After we know the result,our teacher prepared 2 pizzas of all of us~About the topic,which is "Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?",if anyone of u have any ideas can also leave me msg~~^.^
Now in Canada is full of X'Mas atmosphere already,I am really looking forward to it!

台長: Kaya
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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