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2004-05-25 05:24:49| 人氣29| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Holy smoke!!I've never seen a teacher like that...selfish,over-esitmated himself,over-confident,lack of self-esteem....etc!!!!!Shit!!I dunno how I am going to stand him!!>O<"

Because I can't attend to his class,I have to find him with another girl once a week,I dun understand wt to do then I ask my classmates and the top std lor,that's wt he asked me to do if i dun understand.But then after I hand in those assignments he says that I did the totally wrong things!Shit!!He is always late,but he dare to say he is not going to wait us for more than 10 mins after school,holy smoker!!He is such a monkey without tail!!!!!!How dare is he?!!!ar...........I really wanna argue with him,however,I dun wanna fail this course.....I dare not to do that.....ai.....fu*k!!dim suen ar................!!>O<"!!!!!On Fire la!!!!!!ANGRY!!

台長: Kaya
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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