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2003-04-21 22:33:09| 人氣22| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

21st April 2003

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Honey and me went to eat steak today since Cindy ( she's in Canada right now) left message in my online album. I still remember, um...about 4 years ago, she came back HK to visit with her ex-bf. We are four(I went with my ex) to go to Ruth's Chris Steak House. The shop is located in Tsim Sha Tsui East, very high class. It's was my first time to that kind of shop, the food are very expensive, do you know how much at 8oz steak? $350 and 12oz about$450 ( I still remember the price...I think it is very expensive for me at that time even right now, I was still as a college study, even my ex, he was a fresh grad student too).
Deeply memory.....So We went to Ruth's Chris Steak House again. This time we went to Central that one, and just had a lunch in there. Also not cheap....but very happy.......

台長: Wing Wing
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