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2006-04-08 18:44:32


I can’t explain why you give me a familiar feeling Much like a big brother of mine, though actually I have no brothers in real life But I really got the feeling of having a brother 真的是很奇妙的感...

2006-03-26 09:02:36


I just confirmed that she is your ex-girlfriend. 我的心裡其實很五味雜陳 I couldn’t stop thinking about this last night, and I hardly could fall asleep, I don’t know why I just feel something wron...

2006-03-07 12:14:44

A possible guess

I was guessing that the girl was your ex-girlfriend, because you looked uncomfortable when I mentioned her name. My heart hurts. I know you are popular, I know that it’s impossible for you not to ...

2006-02-26 12:27:14

Getting close to each other

I feel that we are getting close to each other From the small cup of hot chocolate I started to know the real you And tried to show you my best smile Though the huge gap still exists I wish we ca...

2006-02-18 12:44:27


我開始覺得,你離我的距離愈來愈遠 並不是有形的距離,因為還是常常有機會碰面 而是無形的距離 Now I realize that you have a very very very good family background 一種我想到會害怕,望都不敢望的家庭背景 ...

2006-02-05 11:57:51


I should totally forget you. There is a huge gap between us that both of us can’t walk across it. And there is no possibility between us. But maybe a few months later, A few months later that I w...

2006-01-25 12:11:42

Are you ok?

Dear H, I’m fine. The situation is not that bad as I thought. But your voice sounded tired this evening. You should take care of yourself.

2006-01-15 08:49:19


明知我們不可能 短暫的緣份永遠跨不過那一道大得嚇人的鴻溝 但是你卻給我安定的力量 我的眼光總是追尋你的身影 藉以消除無來由的,內心的不安

2005-12-21 12:37:00


每天每天 睡前起床前,我都會想到你倆 以前的以前,所有傷痛的過往,錯的時間錯的人 未來的未來,充滿兩難的想像,對的時間對的人,但在錯的地點

2005-10-29 11:56:11

Why didn’t you reply my mail?

好迷惘的感覺 從不相信一見鍾情,但好像真的發生了 然而我不知道你的心意 我也一直克制自己 因為一切的一切,都只有「不可能」三個字 語言、成長文化背景 在熟悉中帶著不熟悉 因為看不見未來,只得不停告訴自...

2004-10-05 19:50:46


2004/10/5 昨天世界小姐台灣區的代表選出來了,是個18歲的女生得到冠軍。不知怎地,漢娜姊直覺地脫口而出:「才18歲,英文一定不行。」我則說:「英文能力是和年紀沒有關係的,不要說18歲,也許30歲都不行。但是選美...

2004-10-05 19:35:43


2004/10/3 前幾日看了電視影集,飾演女警探的女主角有一個項鍊是以子彈為墜子,女主角對男主角說這是她奶奶做給她的,這顆子彈是她十九歲第一次出任務時被射中的。男主角說這顆子彈傷害了妳,有什麼好紀念的呢?女主...

2004-09-27 22:24:45


2004/9/22 日前在二手書店以半價買到還很新的一本華嚴所寫的「燕雙飛」,那天晚上真是高興地不得了,我想看這本書已經很久了,一方面是大約知道這是兩姊妹與兩兄弟的故事,頗吸引我,另一方面是好幾年前這本小說拍成...

2004-09-27 22:22:35


2004/9/16 即使是「春風化雨女生版」稍有點八股的題材,卻仍有她的感人之處(我看到結尾的時候也滴了幾滴淚)。 諷刺的是才情出眾的學生瓊安選擇了相夫教子,一向與老師唱反調,以家庭生活為尊的貝蒂卻在離婚之後...

2004-09-27 22:20:34


2004/9/22 偷天換日這部電影非常緊湊,而且整個劇情可以用「峰迴路轉」四個字來形容,很多任務型的電影都輕易地讓觀眾們知道主角的下一部計劃是什麼,說實在的看這種片雖然舒適,卻少了不知下一步的新鮮感。然而在...

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