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【本日限時刷卡優惠】Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Rodi XP Fix Star Wars Limited Edition 銷售排行榜超實用


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Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Rodi XP Fix Star Wars Limited Edition 2019

May the force be with you... wherever you go with you child in the limited edition of Maxi-Cosi's Rodi XP FIX child car seat!

This adorable Star Wars Limited Edition is an absolute must-have item for every fan.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 2/ 3

  • Suitable for children at the age of 3,5 years up to 12 years
  • 限定商品暢銷商品

  • Suitable for a body weight from approx. 15 to 36 kg

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R44/ 04

This forward-facing car seat supplies your growing child with Maxi-Cosi's tried and tested security. The side protection system ensures optimum side impact protection for your little one's head, lower back and hips. Your child is fastened by your car's own seat belt and thus well-protected on any ride in the car. The car seat features belt positioners, labelled in the colour red, which ensure that the belt is guided correctly and installed easily.

Furthermore, the Rodi XP Fix has been designed with a high-quality padding which provides最暢銷產品撿便宜購物 high seating comfort for your child. In order to supply maximum safety and security in any developmental stage, Maxi-Cosi's child car seat Rodi XP Fix grows in height and width with your child.

Since Rodi XP Fix comes in a low weight of only 4,3 kg, transferring this car seat out of mom's car and into dad's car is done without any effort. The car seat is equipped with Isofix hooks which make attaching the Rodi XP Fix to your car super simple. The child safety seat remains safe and secure on the backseat of your car even when you are travelling without your child. Alternatively, you can fasten the car seat with your car's own seat belt too.

Having a good and safe feeling during the whole ride in your car is provided by the Maxi-Cosi child car seat Rodi XP Fix which is suitable for children at the age of 3,5 years up to 12 years.


  • Star Wars Limited Edition

  • Forward-facing child safety seat

  • Installation in car via Isofix or car's own three-point harness

  • Side Protection System

  • Seat belt positioners that ensure that belt is guided correctly

  • Adjustable backrest

  • Size: W 47 x H 67,5 - 84 x D 47 cm

  • Lightweight car seat with only 4,3 kg

  • Made in Europe




Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Rodi XP Fix Star Wars Limited Edition





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ABL寶島夢想家今天作客菲律賓火焰主場,夢想家靠洋將Malcolm Miller單場23分,依舊難抵菲國好手,加上前SBL洋將PJ RAMOS(拉莫斯)肆虐籃下,與三分外線發威,終場夢想家以72:86落敗,吞下客場2連敗。

菲律賓火焰是去年ABL冠軍球隊,夢想家洋將Will Artino上一場因為拉肚子等感冒影響,導致球隊落敗,不過這場Will Artino反而是體能下滑,無力反擊。

夢想家結束今年賽事,也吞下開季首度的2連敗,Tevin Glass14分,Artino也有14分、12籃板,依舊難敵菲國強隊。

火焰隊則是以Renaldo Miguel BALKMAN單場19分、20籃板最為出色。

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Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Rodi XP Fix Star Wars Limited Edition

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討論, Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Rodi XP Fix Star Wars Limited Edition

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使用評比, Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Rodi XP Fix Star Wars Limited Edition

開箱文, Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Rodi XP Fix Star Wars Limited Edition

?推薦, Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Rodi XP Fix Star Wars Limited Edition

評測文, Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Rodi XP Fix Star Wars Limited Edition

CP值, Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Rodi XP Fix Star Wars Limited Edition

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部落客推薦, Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Rodi XP Fix Star Wars Limited Edition

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