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共找到2筆符合VLAD DRACULA的資料 搜尋全站»
Ihave finished this book for a few days now. It was a fascinating readand some scenes are sure to stick with you for a while. This book isabout VLAD DRACULA. Not about Bram Stoker'......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-06-18 00:45 | 人氣:348 | 回應:0
上回有機會去逛INDIGO書店,在眾多推荐促銷的平裝版書堆裡乍見《VLAD》,非常惊喜,只要是和VLAD DRACULA(德庫拉)這個歷史人物有關的小說我都很有興趣一讀。想來我真是孤陋寡聞,居然不識作家......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-05-27 23:26 | 人氣:1177 | 回應:1

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