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...抛開令人失望的"Warlock", 拿起Bernard Cornwell這本只有四百多頁的"Azincourt"來看, 頓時被極具個性的主人翁Nicholas Hook吸引, 馬上就進入情況, 跟著這位1415年英國特有的長弓箭手前進法國Azi......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-12-15 04:59 | 人氣:904 | 回應:1
作者:WILBUR SMITH這本六百多頁的書敘述四千多年前古埃及王朝女王 LOSTRIS 和她的將軍情人 TANUS 的故事。敘述故事的人是 LOSTRIS 的閹人奴隸 TAITA。LOSTRIS 嫁給法老之後,上通天文,下通地理......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-10-20 03:28 | 人氣:1564 | 回應:0
I am saddened actually that I finished reading Bernard Cornwell's Warlord Trilogy. The trilogy contains "The Winter King", "Enemy of God" and "Excalibur". I am sad because of the t......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-09-08 01:10 | 人氣:730 | 回應:0
"The Winter King" is my first experience of Bernard Cornwell's storytelling. This is the first book of trilogy about the British warlord Arthur in the 5th century AD.Historians hav......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-08-10 02:15 | 人氣:931 | 回應:0
This is the third book of Conn Iggulden's Conqueror series. Here is a description of the book from Amazon:"Genghis Khan has united the warring tribes and even taken his armies agai......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-07-23 12:36 | 人氣:350 | 回應:0
終於看完 CONN IGGULDEN 的《LORDS OF THE BOW》。這是成吉思汗系列的第二本。(第一本是前面提過的WOLF OF THE PLAINS)《LORDS OF THE BOW》寫的是鐵木真征服聯合所有蒙古部落,自稱“成吉思汗......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-04-04 03:13 | 人氣:304 | 回應:0
會買這本書是因為渡邊謙在Clint Eastwood的戰爭電影”Letters From Iwo Jima”飾演栗林忠道--硫黃島之役日本總指揮官。雖然在電影上映期間無法去觀看,還是決定在買DVD之前先看過這本書,了解一......(詳全文)
發表時間:2007-08-04 07:01 | 人氣:170 | 回應:0

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