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2008-09-03 16:42:57| 人氣49| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Be tough

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Feel, look at me and im still indugle in your smiling face,
the former road we've walked together have no changed,
When we're there, there was sunshine,
Thinkin' the best moment we've had,
my tears spring up .....

If you've the same affirmative with me,
i'd like to go anywhere with you...
I know everything comes really hard,
my heart was convincing myself..
Worryin' you'll say give up someday...

If my wayward, headstrong actions make you feeling hurt,
Could you please remind me mildly?
I was radical but i was dread to losing you even more...

im strong enough, am i?

10 Aug, 2006
By Jasmine

台長: 茉莉*
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