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2006-09-10 21:03:52| 人氣55| 回應1 | 上一篇

It Ain’t easy being a bitch

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I’m so bitchy these couple of days

I stop feeling happy for other ppl’s happiness

I almost always have the urge to shout out ’i couldn’t have cared less’ everytime i hear something cheerful

I am being an annoying bitch that even i, myself, hate

I don’t like the new friend i make

Well....i didn’t really make a friend

She kinda just introduced herself as a goodfriend to me

I hate it when she’s being too forward

I hate it when she acts all flirtatious and crazy around my friends

I hate it when she drinks and talks loud

I’m a bad person

So i think i should just ignore ppl and be quiet for a moment here

台長: Queen
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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